
Golden Retriever

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Brynmount Laughter of Lilling

Five generation pedigree:

Brynmount Laughter of Lilling
Eng. CH. Nikolai of Elsiville
Tim of Elsiville
Eng. CH. Abbots Trust
Eng. CH. Davie Of Yelme
Gilder (KCSB 2017LL)
Eng. SH. CH. Sewardstone Tess
Wickstan Gloria
Wansdyke Tommy (unregistered)
Kneesall Vixen
Trixie Of Milldam
Eng. CH. Davie Of Yelme
Gilder (KCSB 2017LL)
Eng. SH. CH. Sewardstone Tess
Moneymoore Floss / Floss
Bran (unr, Michael Of Moreton x Speedwell Nan)
Nell (unr, Michael Of Moreton x Witchcraft)
Nesta of Elsiville
Torrdale Merry Michael
Eng. CH. Donkelve Rusty
Anningsley Sunlight
Donkelve Sara
Eng. CH. Tickencote Jennie
Gilder (KCSB 2017LL)
Eng. SH. CH. Sewardstone Tess
Zena of Elsiville
Eng. CH. Donkelve Rusty
Anningsley Sunlight
Donkelve Sara
Trixie Of Milldam
Eng. CH. Davie Of Yelme
Moneymoore Floss / Floss
Zena of Elsiville
Eng. CH. Donkelve Rusty
Anningsley Sunlight
Benjamin Of Kentford
Rufus Of Kentford
Noranby Bandoline
Anningsley Amber
Cubbington Drake < Ottershaw Drake
Ottershaw Blush
Donkelve Sara
Eng. CH. Donkelve Jester
Eng. CH. Michael Of Moreton
Wherstead Gilt Edge
Gold Foam Of Sudbury
Eng. CH. Cornelius (UK, 28DD)
Gold Mist Of Sudbury
Trixie Of Milldam
Eng. CH. Davie Of Yelme
Gilder (KCSB 2017LL)
Eng. CH. Sundawn Dancer
Sundawn Dainty
Eng. SH. CH. Sewardstone Tess
Eng. CH./Indian Dual CH. Flight Of Kentford
Sewardstone Diana
Moneymoore Floss / Floss
Bran (unr, Michael Of Moreton x Speedwell Nan)
Eng. CH. Michael Of Moreton
Speedwell Nan
Nell (unr, Michael Of Moreton x Witchcraft)
Eng. CH. Michael Of Moreton
Witchcraft (Golden Diver x Tourie)

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