
Golden Retriever

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Lady St. Tel  (11/22/1963-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Lady St. Tel
Reddy All Righty ***
Blaze Of Arrowhead
South View Henry Michael CD
Tawny Boy Michael CDX
Am. CH. Tuckluck Michael
Lady Gerda
Tawny Girl Liz CD
Pilot Beaver Jack
Gold Star Jade
Mack Teena
Brick Of Garfield *** [3.5 years]
Duffy Of Sun-N-Aire
Almy's Homerette
Tawney Maid
Rick of Sun-N-Aire
Tip of the Moon
Tupahi (S715903)
Kettle River Buffer
Am. CH. Kettle River Cossack [11 years]
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bang *** OS SDHF DDHF [6.5 years]
Golden Treasure OD
Lady Byng of Byrl
King's Mead of Roedare
R. R. Sprite
Penny VI
Brick Of Garfield *** [3.5 years]
Duffy Of Sun-N-Aire
Almy's Homerette
Jo-Bee Of Wazaweeta
Granite City Red
Golden Lady of Minnesota
Minnewawa Princess
Brett Of Flutereed
Penelope Of Clearwater

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