
Golden Retriever

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Okeechobee's Picture Perfect  (11/19/1988-5/23/2000)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Okeechobee's Picture Perfect
Am CH Okeechobe Everything Ernest [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Okeechobee's Taylor Made OS
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Am. CH. Sunset's Happy Duke OS [8.5 years]
Amber Lady Of Tercor Farm
Little Dawn Of Chickasaw OD
Am. CH. Golden Pine's High Farms Fez WC OS
High Farms Chickasaws Gale
Misty Morn's Mischief Maker
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Am. CH. Sunset's Happy Duke OS [8.5 years]
Amber Lady Of Tercor Farm
Beckwith's Beta Of Spindrift CD OD
Am. CH. Beckwith's Tallyho CDX OS
Am. CH. Beckwith's Malagold Omega WC OD [12 years]
Jolly Jack's Brat Sensation
Am/Can Ch Jolly Jack Daniels OS
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Gradene's JD CDX WC Can. CD OS [14.5 years]
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Punkin Pi CD OD [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Indanda Thembalisha OD
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Khetha Thembalisha OD
Braevue's Jessica
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Little Dawn Of Chickasaw OD
Am. CH. Braevue's Vixen WC OD
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Am CH. Chickasaw's Beckwith Gem CD WC [ years]
Okeechobee's Hy-Tyme Echo [12.5 years]
Can. CH. Dabess Shindig
Eng. SH. CH. Ninell Crusade of Dabess
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus [12.5 years]
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher [9.5 years]
Nortonwood Fantasy of Milo
Ninell Adelina [7.5 years]
Eng. CH. Camrose Tallyrand of Anbria [13 years]
Eng. CH. Gyrima Pippalina [ years]
Just Alice of Dabess
Gyrima Todmanton of Dabess
Eng. CH. Davern Figaro
Gyrima Genevieve
Maygirl Peggoty Of Snomoy
Eng. SH. CH. Ninell Crusade of Dabess
Holly Tree Tina
Okeechobee's Hy-Tymes
Am. CH. Okeechobee's Taylor Made OS
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Little Dawn Of Chickasaw OD
Misty Morn's Mischief Maker
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Beckwith's Beta Of Spindrift CD OD
Shaw's Taka Miss Sugar
Am.CH. Sir Duncan Of Woodbury OS [11.5 years]
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Autumn Lodge's L'Il Indian
Am. CH. Jolly Peachy Pistonpacker OD
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Gradene's JD CDX WC Can. CD OS [14.5 years]
Am. CH. Indanda Thembalisha OD

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