
Golden Retriever

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Angie Dermott  (7/19/2004-)

Five generation pedigree:

Angie Dermott
CH CZ+SK Karvin Xtra Friendly National winner, Club winner
Fin. CH. Kerrien Raleigh
Eng. CH. Sansue Golden Ruler
Eng. CH. Gaineda Consolidator Of Sansue
Glennessa Escapade
Eng. SH. CH. Rachenco Charnez of Gaineda JW
Eng. SH. CH. Sansue Wrainbow
Gyrima Moonlord of Rockwin
Sansue Gillian
Eng. SH. CH. Kerrien C'Est La Vie JW
Eng. CH. Meant To Be At Moorquest
Eng. CH. Moorquest Mugwump JW
Ortanique Outstep
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell
Eng. Ch. Oystergold Pandorina of Vinecroft JW
Eng. CH. Okus Jallina of Kerrien JW
Goldensmile Joy Of Mine
Int & Fin Ch Pauclare Pot of Gold
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell
Sansue Bobbysox of Pauclare
Stenbury Sea Laird Of Glengilde
Melfricka Heidi Of Sansue
Karvin Par Amour
WW'89, EW'88, MultiCh, IntCH, Bel & FrCh Nortonwood Foregoer
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus
Nortonwood Serein
Fin. CH. Greenglen Golden Gown of Lislone
Eng./Irish CH. Garbank Special Edition of Lislone
Greenglen Donna Bella
Bara z Adarova dvora
Iro od Kletecke hraze
ICh. Sofielund's Ekko
Nuch Waterloo's Phantom O'The Opera
Knegarens Shine'n Sparkle
Trisoblues Beryll
Sofielund's Bel-Ami
DK CH Goldsand's Dream Conqueror
Katja (DK 25150/88)
Fara z Vlcich luk
Fantastic Golden v. Axenfels
Shantey Master of the House
Cina riccardi
Laura z Vlci stepi
Olaf von Axenfels
Dyce Belaja
Walterau z Vlci stepi
Gembaek's Knight of Music
DKCH Tallygold Knight And Day
Friendship Classic Tattoo
Tallygold Blonde Is Beautiful
Goldsand's Sonnet Of Music
Cavall Copper
Goldsand's Symphony Of Music
Erika z Hradistskych skal
Fantastic Golden v. Axenfels
Shantey Master of the House
Cina riccardi
Gita od Karla IV
Ch. Dorion Belaja
Nora z Vlcich Luk

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