
Golden Retriever

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Ikes Golden Ginger  (9/27/1998-)

Five generation pedigree:

Ikes Golden Ginger
Seig's Mike
Sir Fredrick's Thadeus
Soldier Kreek Sir Fredrick
Chase's Rambo
Top Brass Topper
Shelly Copper
Golden Dingo
Obi Kenobi II
Golden's Butterball Taffy
Soldier Kreek Shelby Dale
Charlie Boy IV
Sir Tob-E Of Karrla
K's Jingle Bell
Sweet Shelby Dale
Lincoln Thiessen
Thiessens Golden Girl
Sandy's Gold Rush Ginger
Candy Of Kj's Pups
R's Colorado Michael
Rusty's All Helsapoppin
Wen-Lu-Mar's Sweet Sissy
Maddie's First Honors
CH Honor's Makin' A Touchdown
Washka's Honey Breeze
K's Gold Rush Ginger May
Crume K's Rocky
Crume K's Gold-Rush Barney CD
Crume K's Dancing Lady
Crume K's Sheenah
Crume K's Gold-Rush Barney CD
Crume K's Tara
Zeig's Pepper
Starbuck XXV
Crums Lucky Penny
Tjadens Tuf Stuf
Copper Cree CD
Paula Innocent Pleasure
Tjadens Golden Girl
Admiral Tobias Of Golden Star
Chevis Chaser Of Tablerock
Molly Susan Jo
Sir Sterling
Sir Graham Barclay
Doehring's Dutchess of York
Streufert's Ginger
Sir Sterling
Kyle's Mitzi
By-Jobe's PDQ
By-Jobe's Sensational Luke
Goldrange Mandingo Duffy CD
Goldrange Duffy
Tidewater's Mandy
Gold Bar Misty Sunrise
Am Can Ch Cloverdale Oliver Twist OS
Highlands Gold-Rush Chamois
By-Jobe's Pretty Face Souva
Sugarbush Sam
Sir Charles of Xerxes
Farrell's Sunshine Lady
Ashley's Ellen's Baby
Cheenas Curly Rebel
Ripsey's Red Bud of Sloan

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