
Golden Retriever

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SE U(U)CH Goldfashion Diesel  (5/30/2008-)

Five generation pedigree:

SE U(U)CH Goldfashion Diesel
SE U(U)CH Lamier's See I Told You So
INT.Ch, Belg.Ch Gatchells Man of Honour Jun.Clubwinn 2003
Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW
Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander
Eng. SH. CH. Gaineda Imperial Ice of Marjamez
Golmas Grace N Favour
Kerrien Churchill of Sansue JW
Golmas Guns A'Poppin
Eng.Sh.Ch. Gatchells Royal Orchid JW
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Perrimay Sea Harp
Eng. SH. CH. Gatchells Maid for Music JW
Gatchells Jazz Player JW
Gatchells Golden Girl
Knegarens Madam
Int & Fin Ch Pauclare Pot of Gold
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell
Sansue Bobbysox of Pauclare
Stenbury Sea Laird Of Glengilde
Melfricka Heidi Of Sansue
Knegarens Ozo
NJCH Solborg?sen's Evening Star
NUCH Begora's Personality
Solborgasen's Atasha
Knegarens Querida
NORDUCH INTUCH SJCH Teacher's Perfect Partner
Knegarens Kathy in Knickers
Endicott Jo-Anne Says
Endicott Kilpatrick
SE U(U)CH Floprym Gar Hem
NU CH, SU(u)CH Inassicas Snow Storm
SUCH Okej's Explosive Symphony
SE U(U)CH Inassicas Snowflake EUW-97 KBH V-97
JWW'98, SU(u) CH Gently's Celebration Safir
Festival's Pajazzo
Graceline's Det Ligger I Luften
Endicott Newtownabbey
Inassicas Sea Chanter
Int & Fin Ch Pauclare Pot of Gold
Inassicas Sea Mayweed
Tyrol Patricia
GB./Irish CH. Galalith Crown Prince Of Tyrol
Kerrien Shauna Of Tyrol
Endicott Rose Water
Inassicas Clapton
EW'97, KBHV-97 SUCH DKUCH Stenbury Water Voyager
Stenbury Water Woodlark
Stenbury Water Music
Inassicas Marie Rouge
Styal Samarkand
Inassicas Elektra
Acapella Primadonna-M
SU(U)CH Endicott Hiawatha
Tallygold Toby Dog
Endicott Christmas Doll
Acapella Lolita Pop-K
Acapella Eine Kleine Nachtmusik-K
Acapella Mimi-J

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