
Golden Retriever

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Am./Can./Bda. CH. Goldenwire's Tawny Junior  (9/15/1969-6/1/1984)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Am./Can./Bda. CH. Goldenwire's Tawny Junior
Am./Can. CH. Tawn Boy Of Goldenwire
Am. CH. Sidram Sampson CD
Am. Dual CH. AFC Squawkie Hill Dapper Dexter DDHF FDHF
Am. CH. Squawkie Hill Highlight
Big Stride of Squawkie Hill
Am. CH. Culzean Flower
Am. CH. Etta Zoloto OD [14 years]
Beavertail Bruno
Am. CH. Early Autumn Sunshine OD [4 years]
Sidram Selected **
NFC AFC Can. FC Ready Always of Marianhill OS FDHF [13.5 years]
Bushaway Rocket
Lady Hance OD
Tammy Of Tamarack
NFC Beautywood's Tamarack FDHF
Shirayuki ***
Sophisticated San San [14.5 years]
Apple Jack
Boltby Clipper
Eng. CH. Boltby Skylon
Goldawn Brandy
Du Ell Control
Gold-In-Hills Ace Of Spades
Gold In Hills Queen of Hearts
Du Ell Control
Gold-In-Hills Ace Of Spades
AmCH AFC Lorelei's Golden Rockbottom UD OS SDHF [9.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Gold-In-Hills Sally CD
Gold In Hills Queen of Hearts
Am./Can. CH. Tamerack Rust CD
Am. CH. Gold-In-Hills Hollee Am/Can CD
Goldenwire's Cinnamon Buff
Can. CH. Janville Delegate
Eng./Irish Ch. Cabus Cadet JW [9 years]
Beauchasse Jason
Solway Laddie
Beauchasse Imprint
Brecklands Tamaris
Brecklands Reporter
Kuldana Sharland Shani
Eng. SH. CH. Janville Renown JW
Alresford Illustrious
Eng. CH. Alresford Advertiser
Alresford Emblem
Feroce of Janville
Golden Arrow of Luda
Annette of Carrow
Am./Can. CH. Goldenwires Buff Of Phil-Lo
Am. CH. Sidram Sampson CD
Am. Dual CH. AFC Squawkie Hill Dapper Dexter DDHF FDHF
Am. CH. Squawkie Hill Highlight
Am. CH. Etta Zoloto OD [14 years]
Sidram Selected **
NFC AFC Can. FC Ready Always of Marianhill OS FDHF [13.5 years]
Tammy Of Tamarack
Kopek Of Phil-Lo
Am. CH. Sidram Sampson CD
Am. Dual CH. AFC Squawkie Hill Dapper Dexter DDHF FDHF
Sidram Selected **
Sidram Shalimar
FC AFC Oakcreek's Sir Dorchester OS FDHF [9 years]
Craigmar Formula OD

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