
Golden Retriever

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Ch.Rus,Ch.RKF Fishka Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda  (3/21/2007-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Ch.Rus,Ch.RKF Fishka Iz Sokolinogo Gnezda
JCh CZ, Ch CZ, Ch SK Gryffindor Junior the Best Baron ''U'' [16 years]
DE/VDH/LUX CH Xanthos Gryffindor Bundessieger 2003
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW [12 years]
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood [11.5 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Perrimay Sea Harp
Eng. SH. CH. Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC [8 years]
Ritzilyn Centre-Fold
Xanthos Purple Patch
Rainscourt Son Of A Gun
Eng.Sh.Ch Rainscourt Fall Guy JW
Rainscourt Ice Maiden
Xanthos Orange Blossom (1 CC, 1RCC)
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC [8 years]
Xanthos Out Of The Blue
J.Ch. Slo/Sh Ch Slo Timeless Golden Amy my Love Winner Prag 2009
Dt. CH./ Champion CZ/Veteran Champion DRC Sunbeam Gentle D.J. Evening Star [10 years]
Styal Sky Master [9.5 years]
UK Sh Ch, IR Sh Ch Remington Ramsey [12 years]
Styal Sepia
Dt. Ch/VDH Ch/Dt. Jg. CH Amy von der R?uberburg [12.5 years]
Kielsieger Nortonwood Telstar
Alisa v.d. Schafg?rten Rettungshund [ years]
Dt Ch/VDH Ch/VetCh Remington Romantic Amy
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Eng Sh Ch Westley Clementina
Remington Ritzy [12 years]
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien [13.5 years]
Eng. Sh. Ch. Styal Snow Flake of Remington KCJW [12.5 years]
ChBye, JChRus, ChBel Benji Spod Vartovky
IntCh, MultiCH Atrey Evidog
SK JCh Bob (SPKP 1009/2002)
SLO JCH Karvin Forrest Gump [12.5 years]
Fin Ch Ipcress Sea Quest [13 years]
Karvin Chanel [13.5 years]
Tasmanija Tohocinska
Dirty Harry v. Axenfels
Glengilde Violyn
SK Grand Ch Desert Rose Aldamity
SK CH Deril Zlate slnko
Vice-EW'00, Int & Hun Ch Karvin Basic Instinct of Galans Bundessieger''99,Amsterdam Winner''97 & 98 [10.5 years]
ICH Aprila Zlate Slnko
VetCH SK Alessia Rahol [10 years]
Guss Sciron
Blondie Bohemian Gold
Wendy Zlata Cesta
SK CH Deril Zlate slnko
Vice-EW'00, Int & Hun Ch Karvin Basic Instinct of Galans Bundessieger''99,Amsterdam Winner''97 & 98 [10.5 years]
Gunhills Summer Days [8 years]
Finnish Winner 1992 Karvin Paloma Oblanca Top Winning Bitch 92, 93, 94
ICH Aprila Zlate Slnko
Oregon (SHSB 57/95)
Jade (Plutone x Camilla)
Eliada Venusiny Luhy
Ch. Dorion Belaja [14.5 years]
Bufalo Bouton D'Or
Colla Belaja
Ch CZ Alka Golden Araukarity
Mac Golden Araukarity
Rowera Heksa [ years]

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