
Golden Retriever

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Petan Peeress  (6/5/1934-)

Five generation pedigree:

Petan Peeress
Eng. CH. Marine Of Woolley
Eng. CH. Cubbington Diver
Eng. CH. Heydown Gunner
Glory of Fyning
Normanby Balfour
Stella of Fyning
Stagden Cross Pamela
Prior (Paxhill Brian x Culham Bronze)
Stagden Cross Honey
Eng. Dual CH. Balcombe Boy
Culham Tip
Culham Amber II
Dan Hill Bunty < Balcombe Bunty (unregistered)
Ottershaw Brilliant
Balcombe Pride
Eng. Dual CH. Balcombe Boy
Culham Tip
Culham Copper
Culham Amber II
Culham Copper II
Culham Lassie
Dan Hill Bunty < Balcombe Bunty (unregistered)
Ottershaw Brilliant
Ottershaw Sovereign
Ottershaw Blush
Culham Tip
Honey (UK, historical)
Trace of Woolley
Darky Of Woolley
Haulstone Drift (Ret. Interbred)
Eng. CH. Haulstone Dan
Eng. Dual CH. Balcombe Boy
Dan Hill Bunty < Balcombe Bunty (unregistered)
Haulstone Jenny (Ret. Interbred)
Eng. FT. CH. Haylers Defender (Labrador Retriever)
Haulstone Rusty
Valerie Of Woolley
Eng. CH. Cubbington Diver
Eng. CH. Heydown Gunner
Eng. CH. Vic Of Woolley
Eng. CH./Indian Dual CH. Flight Of Kentford
Noranby Judith
Eng & Am CH Vesta Of Woolley
Eng. CH. Cubbington Diver
Eng. CH. Heydown Gunner
Glory of Fyning
Stagden Cross Pamela
Eng. Dual CH. Balcombe Boy
Dan Hill Bunty < Balcombe Bunty (unregistered)
Eng. CH. Vic Of Woolley
Eng. CH./Indian Dual CH. Flight Of Kentford
Binks Of Kentford
Balvaig (Spalding Moor Rust x Dinah)
Noranby Judith
Eng. CH. Noranby Campfire
Eastling Jewess

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