K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Haughbank Emblem of Sudeo (<1979)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Haughbank Emblem of Sudeo (<1979)
Gallio of Kerlstone
Zeal of Kerlstone
General of Kerlstone
UK Ch General of Garshangan JW
UK Ch Poppleton Lieutenant
Gigha Of Garshangan
Kerlstone Cairntoul Gold Duchess
Cairntoul Jackstone
Cairntoul Garadair
Wheatrig Bustle of Kerlstone
Wheatrig Commodore
FTCh Alreoch Skipper
Wheatrig Wendy
Wheatrig Attractive
FTCh Alreoch Skipper
Hilton Beat
Kerlstone Anita of Blaircourt
GB Ch Ruler of Blaircourt [5.5 years]
Forbes of Blaircourt
Treesholme Thunder
Craigluscar Dusk of Blaircourt
Olivia of Blaircourt
Lawrie of Blaircourt
Craigluscar Dusk of Blaircourt
Sally of Blaircourt
Hawk of Luscander
Ch Holton Baron
Craigluscar Crocus
Olivia of Blaircourt
Lawrie of Blaircourt
Craigluscar Dusk of Blaircourt
Savorna Tora Tandy
Longley Trueman of Netherton
GB CH Sandylands Tandy
Aust CH Sandylands Tan
GB Ch Sandylands Tweed of Blaircourt
Sandylands Annabel
Sandylands Shadow
UKCh/AmCh/CanCh Sam Of Blaircourt [11.5 years]
Diant Pride
Longley Silsdale Gigi
GB Ch Sandylands Tweed of Blaircourt
GB Ch Ruler of Blaircourt [5.5 years]
ShCh Tessa of Blaircourt
Silsdale Glenarvey Quita
UK Ch Glenarvey Brand
Glenarvey Cookridge Mist
Toots of Tayfield
Tayfield Tweedson
GB Ch Sandylands Tweed of Blaircourt
GB Ch Ruler of Blaircourt [5.5 years]
ShCh Tessa of Blaircourt
Tayfield Aqua Anita
Michael of Coohoy
Kim St. John
Seal of Coohoy
Firthorn Nokeener Sea Scout
AmCH Nokeener Pinchbeck Seafarer
Atlanta of Nokeener
Soroco of Coohoy (Saroco)
Tayfield Tweedson
Sara of Coohoy

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