Labrador Retriever
Carnation Black Arrow (9/30/1967-)
Five generation pedigree:
Carnation Black Arrow
Carnation Lancer
Galleywood Gunner
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Galleywood Shot
FTCh/AmFC Staindrop Murton Marksman
Shavington Ted Ft.W.
Brackenbank Jessie
Hiwood Peggy
DualCh Staindrop Saighdear
Cheverells Sally
Galleywood Gina
FTCh Galleywood Swift
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch.Irl.FTCh AmDualCh.Can.Ft.Ch. Treveilyr Swift
Staindrop Winkie Ft.W.
Ft.Ch. Auburn Quill
Banchory Jack/Braeroy Jack
Quail of Auburn
Fannie of Long Lake
Dart of Long Lake
Rupert Pons Darcy
Black Point Pons
Rupert Daphne
Cash's Gold Piece
Jibodad Duke
Colmoor of Cram
Tuffie of Long Lake
'50CNFC FC Rip of Holly Hill
Skip of Timber Town
Okanagan Molly
Peggy of Long Lake II
FC Nigger of Swinomish
Tarblood Dinah
Autumn Sunset
Stillwaters Royal Rick
'62NFC AFC Carr-Lab Hilltop
Marian's Duke Of Bendick
'50CNFC FC Rip of Holly Hill
Shady of Spanaway Creek
Carr-Lab Pride's Ad Lib
Rip of Whitmore
Timber Widow of Dairy Hill
Stillwaters Lady Jeep
Spook of Delta
Can.Ch. Crozier's Tang O'Shanter
Can.Ch. Conwood Venture
Sunnyway's Lady Diana
Tar of Treeswift
Crozier's Torch Singer
Shot's Galleywood Flite
Zelstone Sparkle
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Galleywood Shot
FTCh/AmFC Staindrop Murton Marksman
Hiwood Peggy
UK FTCh Zelstone Moss
Bench (Knaith Banjo x All Gold)
UK Ch Zelstone Leap Year Lass
Zelstone Candida
Minstrel of Glenmorag
Am. Ch. Braedrop Bruce
Glenmorag Parella of Podington
Zelstone Copperhill Candida Ft.W.
Dual Ch Knaith Banjo
Copperhill Gillian of Garshangan
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