K9data.comLabrador Retriever

CBK Manarratha 2009 Sabatina Amazing  (9/8/2009-)

Five generation pedigree:

CBK Manarratha 2009 Sabatina Amazing
Zuo's Tauros Aurora Elvis
Zuo's Elvis Kim Amigo [FCI A]
Dickendall Davaron Amigo [OFA LR-144546G26M-PI]
NORD V-99 NL CH Trendmaker's Tycoon [ A/A]
INT UCH NORD UCH Trendmaker's Mugwump [ B ]
Trendmaker's Traffic Jam [ A/A]
Dickendall Davaron Amuse
Am CH Dickendall Arnold [OFA LR-38719G25M]
Waterbound River Witch [OFA LR-42352G25F-T]
Zuo's Kim Novak Cindy DK
BISS Am CH Dickendall Davaron Gable [OFA LR-125197G25M-PI]
Am CH Dickendall Arnold [OFA LR-38719G25M]
Wolvercote Gaity Girl
Zuo's Cindy Lauper Jabuticaba L
AmCH Dickendall Buckstone Lton [OFA LR-89751G26M-T]
Zuo's Jabuticaba Bella H
Zuo's Aurora Cindy Burly
Am CH Tabatha's Burly [OFA LR-154363G26M-PI]
BISS Am CH Dickendall Davaron Gable [OFA LR-125197G25M-PI]
Am CH Dickendall Arnold [OFA LR-38719G25M]
Wolvercote Gaity Girl
BVISS Tabatha's Confetti WC [OFA LR-134578G25F-PI]
Am.Ch. Muskelunge Top Gun [OFA LR-84031G24M]
Am CH Tabatha's Giggle [OFA LR-109411E24F-T]
Zuo's Cindy Lauper Jabuticaba L
AmCH Dickendall Buckstone Lton [OFA LR-89751G26M-T]
AmCH Guideline's Master Card [ 1994-09-08 HD ua]
AmCH Kai Den's Water Lily [OFA LR-60239E26F-T]
Zuo's Jabuticaba Bella H
CBr-CGBr-CPan-CInt Teracroft Harvey 358 of Tokay [ B]
Zuo's Bella Una
Manarratha 2002 Sabatina
Dukeland Playboy
CH Poolstead Part and Parcel [ 3/3]
Eng SH CH Poolstead Pipe Smoker [BVA 2/5]
Eng Sh Ch Poolstead Preferential
Poolstead Positive Mystery
Poolstead Pin-Feather
GB Ch Fabracken Comedy Star [ 6/13]
Poolstead Puskas
Green Red and White of Tintagel Winds
Rocheby King of Tintagel Winds [BVA 5:8]
Rocheby Play The Game
Rocheby Fairy Ring
Enchantress of Tintagel Winds
Int. Ch Warringah's Banjo Patterson [BVA 3/3]
Depth Offeeling Of Tintagel Winds
Tap Water Mantra Of Chilbrook
Tabatha's P. Doyle at Erinwood [OFA Excellent]
BISS CH Tabatha's Drifter At Dickendall JH [OFA LR-55503G28M]
Am CH Dickendall Arnold [OFA LR-38719G25M]
Am CH Tabatha's Valleywood Decoy WC [OFA LR-22130]
Tabatha's Morning Dove [OFA Good]
Am. Ch. Borador's Lord Travis [OFA LR-21839]
Am CH Tabatha's Valleywood Decoy WC [OFA LR-22130]
Chilbrook Faithful
Am. CH Majestic Saxton [OFA Good]
GB Ch Abbeystead Herons Court [BVA 7/8]
Manymills Jaffa
Chilbrook Black Britannia [OFA Good]
Am Ch Brooklands Hampshire Bucky [OFA LR-38899G26M-T]
Chilbrook Legacy [OFA Good]

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