
Golden Retriever

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Sallys Golden Sophia  (1/31/2006-)

Five generation pedigree:

Sallys Golden Sophia
Golden Glen's Yahoo Cody JH
Ron's Talkington Bear JH
Golden Glen's Chief Flusher JH
Golden Glen's Mighty Luckydog MH
Golden Glen's Mighty Chief MH ***
Golden Glen's My Girl Bill
Golden Glen's Bonnie Girl
Sungold Lad Of Golden Glen
Kinike Anne Of Golden Glen
Ronnie's Golden Jewel
Critter II
Pottinger's Mayo
Pottinger's Penny
Golden Glens Royal Sabrina
Golden Glen's Mighty Chief MH ***
Michele's Golden Love
Rons Golden Glen Honey Bear JH
Golden Glen Spencer For Hire SH
Golden Glen Randy Andy MH
Sungold Lad Of Golden Glen
Golden Glens Royal Sabrina
Golden Glen's My Girl Bill
Hyatt's Moening Again **
Golden Glen's Whistlin Dixie
Golden Glen's WHRLWND Amanda
Sir Winston Of Yeo
Sweet William Of Yeo Am. CD Am./Can. WC
Tuppenny's Puppy Tuppy
Golden Glen's Penny Luck JH
Sungold Lad Of Golden Glen
Golden Glen's Miriah
Scotts Golden Chloe
Golden Glen's Ruff N Reddy JH
Golden Glen Spencer For Hire SH
Golden Glen Randy Andy MH
Sungold Lad Of Golden Glen
Golden Glens Royal Sabrina
Golden Glen's My Girl Bill
Hyatt's Moening Again **
Golden Glen's Whistlin Dixie
Katie Sara O'Brien Ward
Trinity's Golden Sundance
Williams Baron Of Cheshire
Sunvalleys' Golden Heide
Golden Glen's Trinity Katie
Sungold Lad Of Golden Glen
Golden Glens Royal Sabrina
Golden Glen's WHRLWND Amanda
Sir Winston Of Yeo
Sweet William Of Yeo Am. CD Am./Can. WC
Record Of Yeo
Slipper Satin of Yeo
Tuppenny's Puppy Tuppy
Brackenhollow Ginto CDX WCX Can CD
Brackenhollow Tuppenny Too
Golden Glen's Penny Luck JH
Sungold Lad Of Golden Glen
FC AFC Sungold Lad's Talisman OS FDHF
Sungold Trieven Widgeon
Golden Glen's Miriah
Golden Glen's Mighty Chief MH ***
Michele's Golden Love

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