K9data.comLabrador Retriever

River Rogue Jezebelle

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

River Rogue Jezebelle
FC Toni's Blaine Child
FC Anzac Of Zenith
AFC Black Mike Of Lakewood
Vicky's Duffy Boy
Am.Ch. King of Detroy
Bow Lake Sassy
Thornwood Bracken Sweet
NFC DUAL CH CFC Bracken's Sweep [16 years]
Nilo Judy
Jezebel Of Normandy
'57CNFC FC AFC Yankee Clipper Of Reo Raj [14 years]
Stonegate's Captain
Little Peggy Black Gum
'55CNFC FC AFC Belle Of Zenith
'50CNFC FC Rip of Holly Hill
Shady of Spanaway Creek
Dessa Baby
63,65 CNFC FC AFC Tar Baby's Little Sweet Stuff
FC AFC Tar Baby Of Holly Hill
Skip of Timber Town
Bell Ann
Debbie Of Holly Hill
'50CNFC FC Rip of Holly Hill
Siou'an of Swinomish
FC AFC Dessa Rae CD
Odessa's King
Ardyn Ace (S626629)
Lady Cinder Mattausch
Jerry (SA493181)
FC AFC Rip's Bingo
Black Eyed Susan (S564774)
Tuff Gun Of Kings Creek
FC AFC Warpath Tuff
2xNFC CNFC AFC Del-Tone Colvin [9.5 years]
NFC FC AFC CFC Cork Of Oakwood Lane [11.5 years]
Can DUAL Ch Coastal Charger of Deer Creek
Akona Liza Jane of Kingdale
Del-Tone Bridget
Jet Black Sin
Radde's Neenah of Crow-Wing
Paha Sapa Wacincala
FC Freehaven Muscles
Am Dual CH Grangemead Precocious
Grangemead Sharon
Treasure State Be-Wise
FC AFC The Spider Of Kingswere [11.5 years]
FC Deer Creek's Bewise [3.5 years]
Shamrock Acres Super Sioux
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief [11 years]
FC AFC Paha Sapa Chief II
FC Freehaven Muscles
Treasure State Be-Wise
Ironwood Cherokee Chica
Dual CH Cherokee Buck
Glen-Water Fantom
Whygin Coley Cue
2xNFC CNFC AFC Del-Tone Colvin [9.5 years]
NFC FC AFC CFC Cork Of Oakwood Lane [11.5 years]
Del-Tone Bridget
Whygin Gretchen Blackbird
AmCH Whygin Poppitt
Kilsyth's Hielant Lassie

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