Labrador Retriever
Copperbirch Sadie D of Donaghaguy (2007-)
Five generation pedigree:
Copperbirch Sadie D of Donaghaguy
FTCh Bracken of Berrybrae
[BVA 4/6]
FTW Jacob Bogdani of Leadburn
[ 6/3]
FTCh Birdbrook Teak
[ 4/3]
FTCh Greenwood Timothy of Holdgate
FTCh Holdgate Willie
Greenwood Dainty
FTCh Purdey of Bonhote of Birdbrook
[BVA 4/1]
Dusty of Bulbeck
Glebemoore Sara
Mist of Millbuies
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Pocklington Glen
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
FTCh Sandringham Magpie
FTCh Kelvinhead Classic
FTCh Kelvinhead Magnum
Polwarth Elm
FTW Amythist Mist
[BVA 6/5]
FTCh Symington Clarerone of Leadburn
[BVA 3/4]
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
[BVA 4 / 4]
FTCh Palgrave Quin
[BVA 2/2]
FTCh Tibea Topaz
Palgrave Slippery Sue
[BVA 1/1]
FTCh Kenswick Hamish
FTCh Palgrave Holly
Castleside Jilly
FTCh Pocklea Remus
[BVA 6/7]
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Drakeshead Gypsy
Honey at Castleside
[BVA 5/3]
FTCh Mirstan Drummer
Ebony Ilex Lady Holly Ft.W.
Brookbird Maeve of Copperbirch
[BVA 3/4]
FTCh Ernevale Urn
[BVA 5/4]
IR FTCh Turramurra Beau
GB FTCh & Ir.FTCh Jasamine Star
[BVA 2/2]
FTCh Earsham Park Sabre
[ 2/11]
IR FTCh Ann of Cleary
Ir.FTCh Towerline Swift
FTCh Meadowbrae Widgeon
Ir.FTCh Hifield Kite
Irish Ft.Ch. Broadville Dusky of Ernevale
FTCh/IrlFTCh Leacross Rinkals
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
Holdgate Swallow
IrlFTCh Drakeshead Connie
FTCh Drakeshead Tinker
Derwentside Shadow
Irl.Ft.Ch. Brookbird Dusty
[BVA 8/8]
IR FTCh Wild Shot Dan
[ 3/3]
FTCh Blackharn Jonty
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
Blackharn Puddie
IR FTCh Ann of Cleary
FTCh/IrlFTCh Leacross Rinkals
Derramore Thatch
Medos Sandpiper
FTCh Pocklea Remus
[BVA 6/7]
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Drakeshead Gypsy
FTCh Birdbrook Astra
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
[BVA 4 / 4]
FTCh Purdey of Bonhote of Birdbrook
[BVA 4/1]
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