Labrador Retriever
Donaghaguy Wren of Shannenbrae
Five generation pedigree:
Donaghaguy Wren of Shannenbrae
Glenanne Brooklyn
[ 5/4]
Ir.FTCh Gary of Clonbara
[BVA 4/2]
FTCh Baildonian Baron of Craighorn
[BVA 2/1]
FTW Gillmhor Arrow of Pocklea
[BVA 3/3]
FTCh Seanbaile Regent
[BVA 0/3]
Kilmore Della
FTW Baildonian Tina
[BVA 5/5]
FTCh Pocklea Remus
[BVA 6/7]
Barnavara Water Beetle
[BVA 1/1]
Ir.FTCH Derrinstown Tillie
IntFTCh Heatherbank Alex of Tasco
[BVA 2/1]
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
Malwell Kestrel
[BVA 4/3]
Ir FTCh Ruby (Burryubber Wizard x Leeburne Odessa)
F.T.W. Burryubber Wizard
Leeburne Odessa
Ir.FTCH Brookbird Tide
[BVA 3/3]
FTCh Ernevale Urn
[BVA 5/4]
IR FTCh Turramurra Beau
GB FTCh & Ir.FTCh Jasamine Star
[BVA 2/2]
Ir.FTCh Towerline Swift
Irish Ft.Ch. Broadville Dusky of Ernevale
FTCh/IrlFTCh Leacross Rinkals
IrlFTCh Drakeshead Connie
Irl.Ft.Ch. Brookbird Dusty
[BVA 8/8]
IR FTCh Wild Shot Dan
[ 3/3]
FTCh Blackharn Jonty
IR FTCh Ann of Cleary
Medos Sandpiper
FTCh Pocklea Remus
[BVA 6/7]
FTCh Birdbrook Astra
OFTW Donaghaguy Holly
[BVA 5/5]
Dolycoed Bravo Ft.W.
[BVA 8/8]
FTW Beeholme Rissi
[BVA 4/6]
FTCh Tasco Dancing Brave of Willowyck
[BVA 2/2]
GB FTCh Shinshail Apache
FTCh Swinbrook Stonefly
Maggy Of Beeholme
FTCh Palgrave Quin
[BVA 2/2]
Haretor Craigfelin Hollie
Dolycoed Delilah
[ 2/4]
UK FTCh Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead
[BVA 2/3]
Irl FTCh Ballyellery Adder
Irl FTCh Killerisk Hero
Styleside Semola
Styleside Thistle
Beryn Black Cherry
Shadow Lady Rose of Donaghaguy
[BVA 3/6]
FTCh Glenbriar Dare
[BVA 3/2]
FTW Glenbriar Trouper
FTCh Shot of Palgrave
Zoey of Palgrave
IRL FTCH Glenbriar Sweep
FTCh Meadowbrae Widgeon
FTAW Drumnagally Bess
Glenbriar Anne
[BVA 5/4]
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Brenjon Dirk of Drakeshead
Haretor Emma
[ 0/0]
IRL.Nat.FTCH Glenbriar Skippy
[BVA 5/3]
FTCh/IrlFTCh Leacross Rinkals
IRL FTCH Glenbriar Sweep
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