K9data.comLabrador Retriever

CH Sundance's Jack of Hearts At Blacice  (2/14/2009-)

Five generation pedigree:

CH Sundance's Jack of Hearts At Blacice
Am.Ch. Sundance's Blew In From Oseay JH
AmCH Langshott Gale Force From Kimvalley [OFA LR-95376G27M-T]
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About [BVA 3/7]
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy [BVA 7/7]
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner [BVA 1/0]
Sandylands Bramble [ 3/4]
GB Sh Ch Sandylands Bliss [BVA 4/4]
GB Ch. Trenow Brigadier [BVA 4-4]
Sandylands Rae
Kimvalley Follow On To Langshott [BVA 13:6]
Newinn Oak Leaf at Kimvalley [BVA 8:6]
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak [ 8/8]
Newinn Fire Imp
Kimvalley Last Fling [BVA 3:3]
Nl./VDH-/LCD-/Lux./Euro-/Engl.Show-CH Kimvalley Legend [FCI 2:4]
Kimvalley Fidget
Sundance's Casual Pleasure
AmCH Sundance's Paddy's Irish Cream CD MH [OFA LR-89243F25M]
Am. Can. CH Jolly Captain Gibson CD JH WCX [OFA LR-26540G24M]
Wyntercreek Autumn Tyee [OFA LR-22356]
Keelcroft's Charisma [OFA LR-20111-T]
Waterlea's Lonesome Dove Anna [OFA LR-63052E30F]
AmCH Pht's Waterleas's Decoy [OFA LR-52952G32M]
Waterlea's Christmas Holly CD [OFA LR-44066G26F]
Sundance's Homemade Lemonade
AmCH CanCH MexCH World CH Autumn's Thunder Visions CD JH WCX [OFA LR-33894G32M]
CH Braemar Oakmead Magnum Force [OFA LR-14837-T]
Vision's Lady Alexi JH [OFA Good]
Am.Ch. Brookfield Sundance Lemonade JH
AmCH Sundance's Jamie's Alex WC [OFA LR-37270G28M]
Econneka Brookfield Jigger [OFA LR-47603F42F]
Sundance's the Eyes Have It [OFA LR-184279G32F-VPI]
CH Sundance's Chance at Gemstone [OFA LR-163659G24M-PI]
BISS Am CH Lobuff Bobwhite At Chucklebrook [OFA LR-141134G24M-PI]
MBISS AmCH Boradors By George CGC [OFA LR-116497G26M-PI]
Am CH Lenches Gallivant [OFA LR-96140G24M-T]
Am CH Deer Runs Sweet Carmel Cream [OFA LR-90559G24F-T]
MBISS Am CH Lobuff's Turtle Dove [OFA LR-152174G77F-NOPI]
Am CH Hirsipirtin Turtle At Lobuff [OFA LR-87642F24M-T]
Am CH Curlee Hill Lobuff Seeonee [OFA LR-62224G25F]
Sundance's Black is Back [OFA LR-131793G48F-PI]
Rocheby Royal Navy [OFA LR-72513F24M-T]
Rocheby Sailing By [BVA 5:5]
GB Sh Ch Cambremer Royal Velvet at Rocheby [BVA 6/5]
Am.Ch. Brookfield Sundance Lemonade JH
AmCH Sundance's Jamie's Alex WC [OFA LR-37270G28M]
Econneka Brookfield Jigger [OFA LR-47603F42F]
Duckweed Sundance's Ala Wish
CH Sundance's Granted Wish JH
AmCH CanCH MexCH World CH Autumn's Thunder Visions CD JH WCX [OFA LR-33894G32M]
CH Braemar Oakmead Magnum Force [OFA LR-14837-T]
Vision's Lady Alexi JH [OFA Good]
Am.Ch. Brookfield Sundance Lemonade JH
AmCH Sundance's Jamie's Alex WC [OFA LR-37270G28M]
Econneka Brookfield Jigger [OFA LR-47603F42F]
Duckweed's Alabama Boarder [OFA Excellent]
Am CH Boradors The Goblin [OFA LR-32801E24M]
AmCH Elysium Citizen Kane [OFA LR-8658]
Winterset's Legend Wood Op III [OFA Good]
Tadlocks Yellow Stella [OFA LR-41585E24F]
AmCH Spotswood Storming Buck
Jesz Lioness of Sherwood [OFA Good]

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