Labrador Retriever
Lakedown Caenis (9/24/1994-)
Five generation pedigree:
Lakedown Caenis
FTCh Birdbrook Arrow of Craigfelin
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
FTCh Palgrave Quin
FTCh Shot of Palgrave
FTCh Palgrave Edward
Ivyland Tessa/Tesa
FTCh Palgrave Holly
FTW Eyebrook Willow
FTCh Palgrave Swinbrook Fern
FTCh Tibea Topaz
FTCh Hedenhampark Dash of Philray
Dongon The Great
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Hedenhampark Holcot Fay
FTCH Oday Alice of Tibea
FTCh Palgrave Edward
FTCh Beinnmhor Term
FTCh Purdey of Bonhote of Birdbrook
Dusty of Bulbeck
FTCh Kenswick Hamish
FTW Danbrias Black Tern
FTCh Stonnerpoint Be Hopeful of Kenswick
FTCh Palgrave Hetty
FTW Eyebrook Willow
FTCh Palgrave Swinbrook Fern
Glebemoore Sara
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
FTCh Palgrave Edward
FTCh Beinnmhor Tide
Kenaley Tinker
Sandringham Sailor
Kenaley Lady
FTW Lakedown Lillibutt
UK FTCh Holdgate Winter
FTCh Greenwood Timothy of Holdgate
FTCh Holdgate Willie
FTW Holdgate Steven
Wing of Ruckley
Greenwood Dainty
UK FTCh Sandringham Sydney
Zelstone Grimley
Rumbleton Tern of Holdgate
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
FTCh Palgrave Edward
FTCh Beinnmhor Tide
FTCh Lugwardine Jade
Jericho Rocket
FTCh Holdgate Vesta
Mwyalchen Malbren
UK FTCh Haretor Abel of Bellever
UK FTCh Stratfieldsaye Dipper
UK FTCh Stratfieldsaye Beinnmhor Lomond
Ciddyhayfield Tansy
Sladbrook Twiggy of Haretor
Swinbrook Mosquito
O'day Aurora
Dinas Sara
FTCh Gunstock Teal
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
FTCh Angeltown's Black Saphire
Willowridge Black Angel
Glenmorag Twain of Willowridge Ft.W.
Upgate Jessie
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