Labrador Retriever
Smagill Baby
Five generation pedigree:
Smagill Baby
FTCh Symington Clarerone of Leadburn
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
FTCh Palgrave Quin
FTCh Shot of Palgrave
FTCh Palgrave Edward
Ivyland Tessa/Tesa
FTCh Palgrave Holly
FTW Eyebrook Willow
FTCh Palgrave Swinbrook Fern
FTCh Tibea Topaz
FTCh Hedenhampark Dash of Philray
Dongon The Great
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Hedenhampark Holcot Fay
FTCH Oday Alice of Tibea
FTCh Palgrave Edward
FTCh Beinnmhor Term
Palgrave Slippery Sue
FTCh Kenswick Hamish
FTW Danbrias Black Tern
FTCh Sendhurst Zelstone Tinker
Staplesworth Cindy
FTCh Stonnerpoint Be Hopeful of Kenswick
Rockstead Footswish
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Hedenhampark Holcot Fay
FTCh Palgrave Holly
FTW Eyebrook Willow
FTCh Holdgate Willie
Eyebrook Josephine
FTCh Palgrave Swinbrook Fern
FTCh Palgrave Edward
FTCh Beinnmhor Tide
FTCh Linksview Lena
Linksview Larry
Captain of Carron Valley
Welstone Davy
UK FTCh Stratfieldsaye Dipper
FTCh Welston Bonnie
UK FT Ch Coppergrouse Jane
UK FTCh Polwarth Merganser
Beidlieston Blush
Hazy Evita
Debonaire Dante
Trentlock Barry
Pathehead Midge
Konoboly Apache Princess
Konoboly Xenadu
Miss Margie of Konoboly
Linksview Lotus
FTCH Pathehead Daz
FTCH Garleton Mist
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
FTW Shilik of Oaklands
GB.Ft.Ch. Rainbow Glenburnie
UK FTCh Polwarth Merganser
Trekmoor Tess Ft.W.
Kelvinhead Megan
FTCh Kelvinhead Magnum
FTCh Rumbleton Caper
Quicksilver Kelvinhead
Polwarth Elm
FTCh/IrlFTCh Derryboy Daniel
Polwarth Gadwall
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