
Golden Retriever

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XANTII Marakita  (4/29/2011-)

Five generation pedigree:

XANTII Marakita
CH.PL. Toastmaster v.d.Beerse Hoeve
Dutch Ch, Dutch, Lux-, German Junior Champion Sultan Of Sand v.d. Beerse Hoeve JW A'dam 07,Bundesjgdsieger 07,Clubjgdsieger 07 [ BVA 4:3]
Dutch Ch. German Ch. Kozzmozz v.d. Beerse Hoeve [ BVA 3:3]
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner [ BVA 3:3]
Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW [ BVA Hip Score 3:5]
Xanthos Orange Blossom (1 CC, 1RCC) [ BVA Hip Score 4:8]
Molly v.d. Beerse Hoeve [ BVA 4:5]
Lux. Junior Ch, Europa Jugend Sgr 02 Joyous Nothing To Declare Club Jgd Sgr 02, Brandenburg Jgd Sgr 02 [BVA 3:3]
Middle For Diddle v.d. Beerse Hoeve [ B1B2]
German Ch, VDH Ch. Sandwich v.d. Beerse Hoeve Europasiegerin 2006 [ BVA 5:5]
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner [ BVA 3:3]
Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW [ BVA Hip Score 3:5]
Xanthos Orange Blossom (1 CC, 1RCC) [ BVA Hip Score 4:8]
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Lux.Ch. Bibi-Blues of The Hellacious Acres Winster 99, Worldch. 00 [ B1B2]
Dutch/Ger./VDH./Arg./Lux. CH. Standfast Angus WW-91-92-93, JWW-90 [ HD B1B2]
Dutch Ch. Westley Cathrina [ HD C1C2]
German Ch. Milkshake v.d. Beerse Hoeve [ BVA 3:3]
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner [ BVA 3:3]
Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW [ BVA Hip Score 3:5]
Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde [ BVA Hip Score 6:7]
Golmas Grace N Favour [ BVA Hip Score 3:3]
Xanthos Orange Blossom (1 CC, 1RCC) [ BVA Hip Score 4:8]
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC [ BVA Hip Score 8:6]
Xanthos Out Of The Blue [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
German Ch Xanthos Lah Di Dah SGWC [ BVA Hip Score 4:6]
Eng.Sh.Ch Rainscourt Fall Guy JW [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Eng. CH. Stanroph Sailor Boy KCJW [BVA Hip Score 7:5]
Rossbourne Inspiration To Rainscourt [ 4:6]
Dewmist Cloudburst [ BVA Hip Score 4:5]
Dewmist Secret Service [ A/A]
Norw. CH Dewmist Corindabella [ Sweden HD U (3/4/1988)]
2 X Junior Winner HELENE Marakita [ A]
Pol. Ch. CHEQUER Golden Erinor [Unknown 0/0]
Dts./VDH/Lux. Ch., Lux. J. Ch. Dunsaron Indianna Europasieger 99-01 [ A1]
Aust./Eng. Ch. Stanroph Shogun KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 4:6]
Eng. SH. Ch. Amirene Pacifique [ BVA Hip Score 4:4]
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Eng. SH. Ch. Dunsaron Anna-Karissa [ A1/A1; BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Sansue Anna Rose [ A1/A1 / BVA 5:3]
CH CZ Annabella (CLP/GR/501/96) Club winner [ 0/1]
Floyd v. d. Beerse Hoeve [Unknown HD: B 19??]
Dutch Ch. Westley Floyd VDH Ch. [ HD B1B2]
Debbie v. d. Beerse Hoeve JW Amsterdam ''81 [ B1B2]
ELOY van de Willekeshof [ HD: B 19??]
ASTRID van Steglitz
Complement HORTENSJA
WW'94, Dutch/Ger./VDH/Lux./Swiss Ch. Tugwood MAXIM [FCI HD B]
Dick of Tugwood [BVA BVA Hip Score 5:8]
Eng. Ch. Tugwood Viking
Snakes Lane Abra
Tugwood Belle
Eng. CH. Gaineda Consolidator Of Sansue [BVA 0:0]
Tugwood Nicola
Pl. J.Ch. Complement Husaria
Pol. Ch. Qajun Zeus
EW'92, Pol. Ch., Pol. Sg. - 91-92 Waterloos Ivanhoe in the Nightdream [ HD-A1]
Troll's Angen's Toy [ A0/A0 (1991)]
Pl.Ch. Complement Dina Dobra Decyzja
Pl.Ch. Shanlimore Fabian Pol. SG -93-95 [ A1]
Hoyden Noisy Lady

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