
Golden Retriever

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Lucas Bernardini Artemis Gold  (4/23/2011-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Lucas Bernardini Artemis Gold
ChD (VDH) ChCZ, GRANDCh CZ, JChCZ Cheek To Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha Junior BOB, BOB, National Winner [13.5 years]
INT CH, FR/PT/LUX/DK/NORW/SWE CH Mitcharron Love Bug of Francosvaley
Linchael Orpheus of Rossgilde
Eng./Irish SH. CH. Erinderry Diamond Edge Of Glenavis [13 years]
Eng./Irish Ch. Papeta Philosopher Crufts 1994 Winner
Irish SH. CH. Erinderry Amber Of Tyrol
Eng. SH. CH. Marjamez Memories At Linchael
CH Linchael Persian Orchid SGWC
Eng. SH. CH. Gaineda Imperial Ice of Marjamez
Mitcharron Memphis Jazz
Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander
Eng. SH. CH. Gaineda Imperial Ice of Marjamez
Mitcharron Memphis Belle
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander
Channri Cantaysia of Mitcharron [ years]
Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic [13.5 years]
Dts.Vdh. CH Dewmist Satellite Belgian Winner '03
SE U(U)CH Telkaro Diamond Dust
Eng./Irish SH. CH. Erinderry Diamond Edge Of Glenavis [13 years]
Colbar Royal Secret With Telkaro JW [12.5 years]
Vice-WW'03, ChSwe, Den, Pl, Lv Dewmist Shaquille LvW'07
SE U(U)CH Inassicas Dandelion
SU(U)CH NUCH Dewmist Savannah
French.Int.Ch. Trialer Siatham Roxelana [14.5 years]
Eng. CH. Standfast Augustus
NUCH Mjaerumhogda's Crusader
Eng. CH. Westley Ramona KCJW [14 years]
Mulfield Gyposophila Of Siatham [8 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Westley Lusia of Mulfield
ChCZ Sequins Shakira *U*Universal dog [14.5 years]
ICH, TRIALER Royal Commander du Pays de Boheme
IntCh & Trialer, ChFr Gunmarsh Zachary [13 years]
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood [11.5 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Perrimay Sea Harp
Gunmarsh Sophia JW
Gunmarsh Lucas
Gunmarsh Jasmine
INT&VDH CH Majik Kiss Me Quick
IntCh, ChFin, Est Nightdream Music Maker [14 years]
N Ch Ulveplassens Andantino
SFU. Ch. Fin. MVA Dinky Jolly Fenja
Majik Plisetskaya
Linchael Corniche
Dabess Creme De Cassis
Vice-EW'07, Luxembourg & VDH & German CH Sequins Sycamore Bundes Siegerin '07
NUCH SUCH Inassicas Song Of Songs
Shanlimore Falcon
Eng. SH. CH. Stirchley Saxon KCJW [14 years]
Shanlimore Breeze
Inassica's Stephanie
Janward Dollar
NUCH Friendship Gaiety Girl of Inassicas
JWW-00 Woodland Paradise Spring Classic
Dewmist Seascenario [11.5 years]
NUCH Stenbury Sea Chieftain
NUCH Dewmist Shade Of Pale
Keymer Tornado
Scarholme Mickey Finn with Caoimhin (1 Res. CC)
Westview Martinette

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