K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Mainline's Catch One's Eye  (4/20/1999-)

Five generation pedigree:

Mainline's Catch One's Eye
Jayncourt Star-Extraodynar
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will
Morningtown Stormette JW
Kupros Bridget
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer
UK Ch Kupros Lady's Pride
Sandylands Bramble
GB Ch Squire of Ballyduff
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer
Sparkle of Tuddenham
Gb Sh CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Sandylands Charlston
Longley In Tune
Jayncourt Star Surprise
Jayncourt Star-Topper
Jayncourt Star-Kracker
GB Sh.Ch. Ransom of Sandylands
Jayncourt Dancing Star C.C.W
Jayncourt Star-Quality
Sandylands Charlston
GB.Sh.Ch. Jayncourt Star-Appeal
Jayncourt Peace
Sandylands Charlston
Sandylands Charlie Boy
Sh Ch Sandylands Dancer
Jayncourt Never Without
Jayncourt Rebel
Zabadak of Jayncourt
Mainline's Afternoongirl
Foxrush Must Dash
Lindall Master Race at Rocheby
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will
C.C.W. Ballyduff Spruce
Charway Simona
Lindall Classic
Kupros Major At Lindall
Morningtown Stormette JW
Sandylands Rhythm at Foxrush
GB Sh.Ch. Ransom of Sandylands
GB Sh.Ch. Sandylands My Rainbeau
Bonfield Lady
Sandylands Bramble
GB Ch Squire of Ballyduff
Gb Sh CH Sandylands Longley Come Rain
Country Song's New Generation
Wishwood Shuttle
GB Ch Carpenny Chevalier
UK Sh Ch, Am CH Receiver Of Cranspire
Carpenny Camargue
Stowlodge Serin at Wishwood
Wishwood Quincey
Cornlands Brun
NORD UCH INT UCH Aroscas Country Song
Int.Ch., NORD UCh Sandylands Midnight Maestro
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
Sh Ch Sandylands Katrinka of Keithray
Quintock Country Girl of Rocheby
Sandylands Charlston
Quintock Creamline

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