
Golden Retriever

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Dakotah My Sunshine  (6/26/2003-)

Five generation pedigree:

Dakotah My Sunshine
Buddy Vanilla
Alexander Guy Younge
R Pal-Red [OFA GR-34716G44M]
R Especial Jaque
Bubba's Golden Prance [OFA GR-14235]
Meadowpond's Golden Behr [OFA GR-20827]
Pal's Golden Nuggett
Grand Old Pal Of Fisher
Jennys Amber Lady
Misty Moran Marie
Gregory's Brandy King II
Gregory's King Starr
Anne Marie Augustus
Tawny Princess Ginger
Rusty Woodland Prince
Tagalongs Ginger Girl
Saddie Jo
Trailsend (SN26539106)
Thornfield Coming Attraction [OFA GR-51935G48M]
Mult. BIS & BISS Am/Can CH. Asterling's Wild Blue Yonder OS SDHF CGC [OFA GR-33207F26M]
Thornfield Sugar Cookie [OFA GR-24624F24F]
Trailsend Honeybun [OFA GR-47236G27F]
Thornfield Curtain Call [OFA GR-43516G25M]
Trailsends Current Affair [OFA GR-47234G52F]
Sunrise Sally
Trailsends Dakota Sunrise
Chyperr De Cootarra [OFA GR-31113F24M]
Trailsends She's No Lady [OFA GR-33485F25F]
Omik's Mistic Fire
Sunshine's Sweet Katie
Nitro's Dyamite Sir Magnum
Echo's Dynamite Sir Nitro
Kaelyn's Golden Cassie
Lady Sunshine Of Brooks [OFA GR-65824G26F]
Megans Maxwell CD [OFA GR-35124G24M]
Rokas' Christmas Joy
Brandon Lee II
Princess Nikkie Ajax Keel
Megan Carmelle
Bo-Mar's Sargent Major
Gallagher's Golden Lady
Lady Molly Of Dauer [OFA GR-44196G32F]
Sir Charles Nearing
Lady Brandy Of Brooks [OFA GR-24904F26F]
Streaking Strider Of Shreeve
Golden Sand Dancer

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