
Golden Retriever

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Chico-Caruso vom Hillersbachtal  (6/10/2003-)

Five generation pedigree:

Chico-Caruso vom Hillersbachtal
Freewill's Farm Andrew-Lord-Merlin [ HD A1]
Gayplume Bobby Burns [ B1]
Clanmaxwell Tartan Chief [ BVA Hip Score 4:2]
Eng. CH. Westley Samuel [Unknown BVA Hip Score 2:2]
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus [ BVA Hip Score 7:5]
Eng. Ch. Westley Victoria
Bozeat Honey Bee Of Clanmaxwell
Westhide Gambler
Atlantis of Gilden
Gayplume Kinky Boots
Moon-Struck Myrrdin at Gayplume [ 10:14]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
gayplume woodnymph
Ritzilyn Bunny Girl at Gayplume [ 22:6]
UK. SH. CH. Amirene King Eider of Davern [ BVA Hip Score 8:9]
Eng. SH. Ch. Ritzilyn Vivacity [ BVA Hip Score 4:5]
Zavrie van Spokendam
Perrimay Flamboyant [ B1,B2]
Bramhills Hero [ BVA Hip Score 0:3]
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus [ BVA Hip Score 7:5]
Bramhills Briar Rose [ 6:6]
Perrimay Sea Fantasy
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Stenbury Sea O'Heather of Perrimay [ Hip Score 15:6]
Sirius la Qu?becoise
Can. CH Sansue Lochinvar
Gunhills Banjo Of Sansue [Unknown BVA Hip Score 3:3]
Eng. CH. Sansue Xtra Polite [ Hip Score 4:4]
Wianettea-Thea van Spokendam [ HD: B1-B2]
Nortonwood Troy [ B1B2]
Dewi van Spokendam
Amanda vom Hillersbachtal [ A1 HQ 0,98]
Alf von Stammheim
Lump vom Kahlgrund
Tom vom Golden Castillo
Bettena vom Dammerhof
Mia vom Selfkant
Andy v. Golden-Castillo
Birdy v. Kahlgrund
Regina vom Kahlgrund
Bobby vom Linderbach
Bobbie van Loozehof
Cindie v. Hertag Alva
E-Cleo vom Goldenen Castillo
Army v. Blumenhain
Aika vom M?nchhof [ A2]
Baddy Golden Boy vom Beecker Schl?sschen [ HD A1]
Robo Kay
Floyd v. d. Beerse Hoeve [Unknown HD: B 19??]
Laika v.d. Kremerhof [ HD B1/B2]
Lisa vom Haus Wijbosch [ HD B1/B2]
Prins-Juno van Spokendam [ HD A1/A2]
Tashija of the Yawn Bridge [ HD A1/A2]
Grace-Kelly von Hohenfels
Lenny vom Beecker-Schl?sschen
Robo Kay
Masja van Koatstermoune
Anja van't Heesterbekkie Hof
Harley (NHSB 18184464)
Astrid van Tiroca

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