K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Copperbirch Avoca  (4/30/2009-)

Five generation pedigree:

Copperbirch Avoca
FTW Shangarrilyn Ezekiel
FTCh Saxaphone Express
FTCh Lafayette Tolley
FTCh Kilderkin Renoir
FTCh Abbotsleigh Joshua
Plummer Kilderkin
FTW Black Purdey of Keswick
GB FTCh Shinshail Apache
FTW Bedinghamhall Donna
FTW Mallowdale Dora of Saxaphone
FTCh Palgrave Quin
FTCh Shot of Palgrave
FTCh Palgrave Holly
FTAW Wiltonpark Carousel
UK FTCh Swinbrook Twig
FT Ch Park Lane Jenny
OFTW Premierleek Classic of Shangarrilyn
FTCh Symington Clarerone of Leadburn
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
FTCh Palgrave Quin
FTCh Tibea Topaz
Palgrave Slippery Sue
FTCh Kenswick Hamish
FTCh Palgrave Holly
FTAW Shangarrilyn Gypsy
GB FTCh Middlegate Dexter of Drakeshead
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Pocklea Tide of Middlegate
FTAW Glenbriar Dash
IR FTCh Broadville Barrister
IRL FTCH Glenbriar Sweep
FTW Glenanne Bonnie of Donaghaguy
Ir.FTCh Gary of Clonbara
FTCh Baildonian Baron of Craighorn
FTW Gillmhor Arrow of Pocklea
FTCh Seanbaile Regent
Kilmore Della
FTW Baildonian Tina
FTCh Pocklea Remus
Barnavara Water Beetle
Ir.FTCH Derrinstown Tillie
IntFTCh Heatherbank Alex of Tasco
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
Malwell Kestrel
Ir FTCh Ruby (Burryubber Wizard x Leeburne Odessa)
F.T.W. Burryubber Wizard
Leeburne Odessa
Ir.FTCH Brookbird Tide
FTCh Ernevale Urn
IR FTCh Turramurra Beau
GB FTCh & Ir.FTCh Jasamine Star
Ir.FTCh Towerline Swift
Irish Ft.Ch. Broadville Dusky of Ernevale
FTCh/IrlFTCh Leacross Rinkals
IrlFTCh Drakeshead Connie
Irl.Ft.Ch. Brookbird Dusty
IR FTCh Wild Shot Dan
FTCh Blackharn Jonty
IR FTCh Ann of Cleary
Medos Sandpiper
FTCh Pocklea Remus
FTCh Birdbrook Astra

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