K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Ch. Zane Hill's Blue Jacket CD JH  (4/30/1990-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Ch. Zane Hill's Blue Jacket CD JH
CH Zane Hills Johnny Logan
Am.Can.Ch. Greenhills Blacque Ace [11 years]
Can Ch Channs Midnight Magic
Killingworth Chann's Spark
AmCH Kupros Live Spark CD
Winroc Celsius of Sundalane
Can.Ch. Kupros Starshine
GB Ch Squire of Ballyduff
Kupros Kirsch
CanCH Knaith's CDN New Beginings [8.5 years]
CanCH Carho's Chip off the Oldrock
Can Ch Wimberway's Victory Rocket
Treecroft Bamboo Shannon
CanCH Hephzibah of Greenhill [13 years]
Can Ch. Castlemore Martin CD WC [15 years]
Sweet Chestnut
Taffy Bucci
Valleywood Justin Case
AmCH Jayncourt Ajoco Justice
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer
AmCH Jayncourt Star Performer
AmCH Ballyduff Lark
GB.Ch. Timspring Sirius
C.C.W. Spark of Ballyduff
Cassie Bucci
Braemar Standing Ovation
AmCH Raintree Braemar Bailiff CDX
Ch Braemar Guinevere CDX
Tilly Bucci
AmCH Shookstown Sundance
Mama Bucci's Mandy
Zane Hills Black Skye
AmCH Boradors Ridgway Reflection
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
AmCH Monarch's Dusty Chief
Monarch's Wildwing Chieftain
AmCH Monarch's Barnaby Jewel
Briary Moss Rose
AmCH Black Jim Of Rosecliff
AmCH Lockerbie Shillelagh
Ambleside Maraschino CD
Am CH Allegheny's Eclipse
Am CH Eireannach Black Coachman
Am CH Allegheny Bezique
Jaime Of Woodbrook
Summer Sun II
Windy Of Woodbrook
Warpath Onyahsa
DC AFC Warpath Macho
Castlebay's Neptune
FC AFC Warpath Tuff
Judy of Triple L
Phantomshire Hower
Killingworth Black Brant
Harrowby Penny
Borador's Kristen's Hannah
AmCH Elysium Citizen Kane
Am CH Lockerbie Brian Boru WC
Am. Ch. Briary Abbey Road
AmCH Grande Dame Of Mansergh
GB Ch Groucho of Mansergh
Spinneyhill Lucy Locket

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