
Golden Retriever

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Sadie Andrus  (8/19/2002-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Sadie Andrus
Jeremy's ''Taz'' Carver
Hank The Duck Dawg Boitnott
General Beauxregard Hall Jr
Preston Nator Kid
Senjen's Creede
Hollywood Bradford
Skyline's Prince Max
Iris Sweet Dream
Jason's Dream Girl Wendy
Debs Ole Boy Jake
Mikes Big Red Of Texarkana
Michaels Texarkana Lady
Kevin's Ole Golden Gal
Rusty Rebel Pernee
Roy's Rebel Prince
Roy's Golden Princess Bea
Cathy's Baby Chelsy
Sallie's Astroe
Linda's Kissin' Kelsie
Morgans Bright Little Angel
Alex Goldie
Alexander Centurion
Coppranas Comeback Boomerang
Clint's Copper Pup
Princessa Anna Maria
Molly Kenseng
Rusty Red Baron IV
Sweet Honey Purebred
Findley's Goldie
King Rusty Babineaux
Miss Texas Rose
Findley's Tasha
Alex Goldie
Alexander Centurion
Coppranas Comeback Boomerang
Molly Kenseng
Findley's Goldie
King Rusty Babineaux
Miss Texas Rose
Gracy K
Alex Goldie
Alexander Centurion
Findley's Goldie
Summer Breeze Bailey

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