
Golden Retriever

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Winter Hill's Misty Sue  (11/28/1974-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Winter Hill's Misty Sue
Brinwood's Golden Toby CD
Am. CH. Eagle's Ace Of Tercor Farm CD OS [11.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Cragmount's Double Eagle
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Ace's Hi
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Easy Ace WC OS SDHF
Taffy Of Richland Court
Am./Can. CH. Cragmount's Tiny Cloud OD
Am. CH. Finderne Gold Cloud Of Kent OS SDHF
Am. CH. Rozzy-Duchess OD
Am. CH. Cragmount's Golden Wallis
Am./Can. CH. Golden Pine's Easy Ace WC OS SDHF
CH Little Joe Of Tigathoe *** OS [13 years]
Am. CH. Wessala Pride Of Golden Pine OD
Am. CH. Rozzy-Duchess OD
Am. CH. Tigathoe's Brass Tacks * OS
Ruanme Goldie
Farmingdale's Cooper Wendy CD OD
Am. CH. Lorelei's Fez-Ti Zoro
Am. CH. Golden Pine's High Farms Fez WC OS
Am. CH. Ritz of High Farms OS [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Bambi's Lady OD
Am. CH. Lorelei's Happy Ti-Ji-Gee OD [10 years]
Am. CH. Prince Oberon Of Nerrissida
Am. CH. Lorelei's Star Luck
Walkir Valley Forge Triumph
Am. CH. Finderne Square Shadows Fury CD * OS
Am. CH. Nerrissida's Finderne Folly II OS SDHF
Buff of Square Shadows OD
Vixen's Golden Mary
Ruanme Gayling's Gatekeeper
Kingoldrum Georgia
Farmingdale's Cooper Wendy CD OD
Am. CH. Lorelei's Fez-Ti Zoro
Am. CH. Golden Pine's High Farms Fez WC OS
Am. CH. Ritz of High Farms OS [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Feather Fetch Tucker
Am. CH. Golden Gal of High Farms CDX OD [ years]
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Bambi's Lady OD
CH Little Joe Of Tigathoe *** OS [13 years]
Am. CH. Wessala Pride Of Golden Pine OD
Am. CH. Lorelei's Happy Ti-Ji-Gee OD [10 years]
Am. CH. Prince Oberon Of Nerrissida
Am. CH. Lorelei's Marshgrass Rebel CD ** OS DDHF
Lorelei's Lucky Penny OD
Am. CH. Lorelei's Star Luck
Am. CH. Lorelei's Marsh Piper
Am. CH. Lorelei's Lucky Star
Walkir Valley Forge Triumph
Am. CH. Finderne Square Shadows Fury CD * OS
Am. CH. Nerrissida's Finderne Folly II OS SDHF
Am. CH. Lorelei's Marshgrass Rebel CD ** OS DDHF
Lorelei's Lucky Penny OD
Buff of Square Shadows OD
Brett Of Westley CDX OS
Sidram Sabrejet
Vixen's Golden Mary
Ruanme Gayling's Gatekeeper
Am. CH. Ruanme Yankee Clipper
Gilda's Gayling Of Ruanme
Kingoldrum Georgia
Am. CH. Lorelei's Star Spray OS [10 years]
Featherquest Natasha

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