K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Kai Den's Honour Code  (8/18/1995-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Kai Den's Honour Code
AmCH Guideline's Master Card
NORD UCH Guideline's Copyright [13 years]
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak [12 years]
Poolstead Pretentious At Rocheby [11 years]
Eng Sh Ch Poolstead Preferential
Poolstead Precious Pearl
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Acorn [10.5 years]
Playmate of Bensondale
Rocheby Polished Oak
SU CH Cambremer Copy Cat
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH
Kupros Bridget
C.C.W. Cambremer Montclair
GB Ch Fabracken Comedy Star
Sh Ch Cambremer St. Clair
Guideline's Mondi
Novacroft Buster
GB ShCh Beltarn Diuma Of Newinn
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Beltarn Princess Goda
Novacroft Star Trend
Sandylands Croftspa Stardandy
GB.Sh.Ch. Novacroft Chorus Girl
Guideline's Make-No-Doubt
Cambremer Mr Ross
GB Ch Fabracken Comedy Star
Sh Ch Cambremer St. Clair
Crawcrook Chintz
C.C.W. Crawcrook Calhiban
Sixhills Cassandra of Crawcrook
CH Hennings Mill Hase'n To Kai Den WC
Am CH Chafern Court Star of Fabracken
UK Sh Ch, Am CH Receiver Of Cranspire [15 years]
NL Ch Cranspire Skytrain
Cambremer Petrocelli
Poolstead Purpose of Cranspire
Pollys Pride of Genisval
GB Sh Ch Newinn Kestrel
Heatherbourne Genista
Fabracken Daydreamer
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will [14 years]
C.C.W. Ballyduff Spruce
Charway Simona
GB Ch Poolstead Pin Up Of Fabracken [15 years]
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
Poolstead Pincushion
AmCH Country Place O'Hennings Mill
AmCH Hennings Mill's Gold Cargo
AmCH Shookstown Sundance
AmCh Sandylands Midnight Cowboy
AmCH Shookstown Gimlet
Gairloch's Country Girl
AmCH Dickendall's Flip Flop CDX
Gairloch's Thistle
Hayes Sheba Girl
Borador's Burleigh
Am CH Sandylands Markwell Of Lockerbie
Borador's Scotch Mist II
Cinder Of Hennings Mill
Jacobs Christopher
Bigstone Licorice

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