K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Helvet Can Vilard

Five generation pedigree:

Helvet Can Vilard
ARG CH Del Helvet Can Xpencer
INT CH, FI/EE/RUS CH Follies Storm Petrel NORDW-01, FINW-01, FINW-02
FI CH Brookhill's Daddy's Hope
INTCH, FI CH Follies Cutty Sark
Wetherlam Mace
Follies Viscountess
Brookhill's Almost An Angel
FI UCH M'Ladys Snow-Ball
Shamila's Pussy-Cat
Follies Olympia
Tweedledum Modern Talking
Trendmaker's Our Rainbow
Ch. Winnie's Kajal
Follies Jane Grey
AmCH Tweedledum Pop My Cork
Follies Up To Date
Tiffany Of Little By Little
Zhukov Del Helvet-Can
Lenches Louis
Lapema Leo of Sandylands
Lenches Pin Up
Tiffany of Clay Diggers
CH Rocheby Red Arrow
Quality of Misty Dreams
Rosanna of Little by Little
BISS CH Tabatha's Drifter At Dickendall JH
Am CH Dickendall Arnold
Am CH Tabatha's Valleywood Decoy WC
Legend Of Little By Little
Indeed I Am Of Tintagel Winds
Brume De Croix Regis
Del Helvet Can Veuve-Clicquot
Mallorn's Ursus Arctos
AM CH Visions I'm Able
AmCH Sounder's Hear Me Roar
Guideline's Fat Cat
AmCH Sounders Vada Of Somis
AmCH Kelleygreens Amazing Grace
Visions American Express
Kelleygreens Starling
Mallorn's MMM Marabou
FI UCH Loresho Ozzie
Int.Ch./Fin.Ch./Est.Ch. Bubbling Churchill
Fin. Ch. Mallorn's Jersey Sour
ChFin Boothgates Miz Showbusiness
Brandhams Show Stopper
Oulsmi Endless Love
Kandicreme Katana
Rocheby Old Smokey
Rocheby Navy Blue
Rocheby Sailing By
GB Sh Ch Cambremer Royal Velvet at Rocheby
Sh Ch Rocheby Polkadot
Poolstead Pretentious At Rocheby
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Acorn
Kandicreme Krismaskandel
UK CH Lawnwoods Free'N Easy
GB.Sh.Ch. Sandylands Royal Escort
GB Ch. Lawnwoods Flight O' Fancy
Kandicreme Kalari
Cornlands Tradition
Kandicreme Kharrizma

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