
Golden Retriever

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Arwen Huella Dorada  (6/17/2012-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Arwen Huella Dorada
Ch.Arg. Takeda's Calvin Golden Trip's [12.5 years]
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder [9.5 years]
Am CH Nautilus Vanilla Ice OS
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Am. CH Tangleloft Odds On Pebwin CD WC VC OS Can WC [11.5 years]
Am./Can. CH Kinsha's Flight to Rush Hill OD [8 years]
Am. CH Nautilus Maybelline Y Dn't Ya B Tru
Am CH Nautilus King Neptune BISS OS
Nautilus Crystal Rainbow
Am CH Nautilus White Cliffs Winner
Am CH Nautilus King Neptune BISS OS
Am CH Nautilus Little Red Corvette OS [9 years]
BIS BISS Am Can Bda CH Nautilus Boston Cream Pie SDHF OD [11 years]
Nautilus Rock Candy Mystar
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Ch. Nautilus Silk Chiffon
Gr. Ch. Br. Ch. Arg. Golden Trip Vanish Girl
Br.Ch. Goodtimes Go On Be Frank [6.5 years]
Am./Can.CH Goodtimes Can't Stopthe Rain OS
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS [12.5 years]
Am CH Quillmark's Spring Fling CD OD
Ch Goodtimes G'Nite Sweetheart
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Pulali's Brightstar
Ch.Bras Ch.Pan J.CH Golden Trip's Frozen Tequila
Pan GCH CH Int Br Ur CH Woodspoint Bo Zack
BISS Am Can CH Gemstar's Indigo Blue GRCC/GRCA OS [11 years]
Am CH Woodspoint Lillehammer
Br GCH CH Int Pan CH Nautilus Pikaboo Street
Am CH Nautilus Little Red Corvette OS [9 years]
BIS BISS Am Can Bda CH Nautilus Boston Cream Pie SDHF OD [11 years]
Lien Los Crespillitos
Morro Luba Luara-Lihue
Gr.Ch.Arg. Joey of Kalakankar [15 years]
Cruz Del Sur Eagle
Arg GCh LatinAm Inter Ch Twin-Beau-D'S On The Move
Arg GCh LatinAm Inter Ch Twin-Beau-D Goldie
Marilin Of Kalakankar
Nantucket's Cocoa King Boy
Nala of Maguy
Harriette Silk Stay With Me
Alyxsum del Cadelbosco
Br.Ar.Ch Kandiland BumBum Rockefeller
C.G. Arg. April de Casa Dorada [14.5 years]
Ondina Von Arren
Camp. Arg. Archie of Chesterfield
Ankh Von Arren
Phoebe Los Torrillos
BIS BISS Arg Br Col Ch. Goldentrip Victory Love at First Site
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder [9.5 years]
Am CH Nautilus Vanilla Ice OS
Am CH Nautilus White Cliffs Winner
BISS Can Int Arg Br Pan CH Golden Trip's First Victoria [13.5 years]
Pan GCH CH Int Br Ur CH Woodspoint Bo Zack
Br GCH CH Int Pan CH Nautilus Pikaboo Street
Alyxsum del Cadelbosco
Br.Ar.Ch Kandiland BumBum Rockefeller
C.G. Arg. April de Casa Dorada [14.5 years]
Duna de Cretacico Sand
Indio Dorado of Milburn
Ania de Casa dorada

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