K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Can.Ch. Ebonylane's Fortune Cookie  (8/24/1984-)

Five generation pedigree:

Can.Ch. Ebonylane's Fortune Cookie
Am/Can CH Ebonylane's Aslan
CanCH Astroloma Joshua
Aust Ch Duffton Drambuie
Aus Ch Diant Jaysgreen Jasper
GB CH Sandylands Tandy
Diant Whisper
Aust.Ch. Sandylands Greta
UK ShCh Garvel of Garshangan
Trewinnard Sandylands Tanita
Daleworth Tasha
Daleworth Royal Lad
Aust CH Sandylands Tan
Daleworth Viki
Gunfield Connella
Aust CH Sandylands Tan
Aust.Ft.Ch. Gunfield Noella
Am. Can. Ch. Ebonylane's Shadow
AmCH Shamrock Acres Ebonylane Ace WC CDX [OFA LR-6763]
AmCH Shamrock Acre Fringe Benefit
AmCH Shamrock Acres Dark Cloud
Shamrock Acres Lollipop
AmCH Shamrock Acres Peg Of My Heart
AmCH Shamrock Acres Light Brigade
AmCH Shamrock Acres Twiggy
Am/Can CH Shamrock Acre Marshland Sari
AmCH Shamrock Acre Fringe Benefit
AmCH Shamrock Acres Dark Cloud
Shamrock Acres Lollipop
AmCH Jasland Sun Godess O'Crisara
AmCH Shamrock Acres Light Brigade
Ali Amal's Noche
Ch Elden's Duchess of Ebonylane CD
AmCH Elyod's Macbeth Of Canterbury [OFA LR-6356]
AmCH Wildwing McDuff
Am CH Lockerbie Brian Boru WC [ OFA LR507]
AmCH Lockerbie Kismet
Lockerbie Tackety Boots
Shamrock Acres Spring Fever (SA556291)
AmCH Shamrock Acres Light Brigade
CH Shamrock Acres One Way Ticket
Elyod's Ebylu Eggenshire
AmCH Shamrock Acres Ebony Lancer
NFC FC Martens' Little Smoky
AmCH Whygin Gentle Julia Of Avec
Am.Ch. El Yod's Lewiston Lulu
Glenkarnock's Fancy Dan
AmCH Miss Peggy Pondweed
AM CAN Ch Appollo's Silver Mist
Am/Can CH Barnaby Appollo Rebellion
AmCH Barnaby O'Brian CD
Am CH Lockerbie Brian Boru WC [ OFA LR507]
Firsty Fresca
Siridan Electric Spark
Ch. Shamrock Acres Shadow Boxer
Am Ch Don Head Ginias Mischief
Wildwing's Penny Ante
AmCH Jackson Of Greenlane [OFA LR-4262]
AmCH Baroke's Yellow Jacket
AmCH Baroke's Queen Of Spades [OFA LR-4261]
Shamrock Acres Spring Fever (SA556291)
AmCH Shamrock Acres Light Brigade
CH Shamrock Acres One Way Ticket

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