K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Ch Corhampton's Inky Dinka Doo

Five generation pedigree:

Ch Corhampton's Inky Dinka Doo
Can Ch Corhampton's Hot N'Spicy
CanCH Easthill Touch Of Basil
Am/Can CH Banner's Muskelunge Buckeye
Banner's Wenwood Obleo Arrow WCX
AmCH Beechcrofts Edgewood Tomarc
Wenwood Banner Ruby Begonia
CanCh Ambleside's Banner Of Triple L
AmCH Clemmsen Of Killingworth
Lindall Miss Emma
Chilbrook Mercedes
AmCH Follytower Master Brown Of Charway
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH
Kupros Moonriver of Follytower
Am. Can CH Chilbrook Solitaire CD TDI CGC
Fr.Am.Int.Ch.World Ch. Sandylands Rip Van Winkle
Chilbrook Oriole Of Overlea
CanCH Corhampton's Anisette
Am.Can.Ch. Wiscoy Bar None
AmCH Charway Maverick
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Charway Sally Brown
Wiscoy Baby Ruth
Am.Ch. Charway John Brown
Hywaters Wiscoy Snickers
Ch Rathamill Corhampton Pollywog
Am/Can CH Bradking Mike
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Keysun Ruling Star of Bradking
Labwell's Pollyanna
AmCH Kupros Live Spark CD
Am.Can.Ch. Kupros Midnight Frolic WC
CanCH Rustylane's Corhampton Clover
Am/CanCH Corhampton's Barley O'Brady CGN WC JH
CanCH Kerrymark Ballad At Corhampton
AmCH Rocky Acres Sultan Of Ayr
Am CH Kupros Spartacus
Ballyduff Sparkler
Am CH Lobuff's Sundown At Kerrymark
Am CH Northwood Sandman
Am CH Lobuff's Tequila Sunrise
CanCH Ebonylane's Uptown Girl
Am/Can CH Ebonylane's Aslan
CanCH Astroloma Joshua
Am. Can. Ch. Ebonylane's Shadow
Ebonylane's Fortune Teller
Can. Ch. Waterdog's Raider of Ebonylane
Can.Ch. Ebonylane's Fortune Cookie
Can.Ch. Killingworth Cinmn Rustylane
Dimeno Killingworth Redford
AmCH Chucklebrook Danmark
Am/CanCH Beechcrofts Dover
AmCH Chucklebrook Fannie Farmer
AM Ch Killingworth's Clementine
AmCH Clemmsen Of Killingworth
La'Mist Killingworth Blossom
Killingworth's Hickory Stick
AmCH Clemmsen Of Killingworth
GB ShCh/AmCH Lawnwood's Hot Chocolate
Stonewood Killingworth Katie
Bounty Grant's Riverroad Chic
Am CH Kupros Spartacus
Bounty Grant's Sugar N'Spice

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