Labrador Retriever
Arbury Jenny
Five generation pedigree:
Arbury Jenny
FTCh Jericho Jingo
Rockstead Footswish
Scotney Ginger
FTCh Galleywood Swift
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch.Irl.FTCh AmDualCh.Can.Ft.Ch. Treveilyr Swift
Staindrop Winkie Ft.W.
Ft.Ch. Auburn Quill
Banchory Jack/Braeroy Jack
Quail of Auburn
Whitbourne Jet
FTCh Holdgate Boffin
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Galleywood Shot
UK FTCh Creedypark Stella
Lesley's Darling
FTCh Grouseadee (son of Scotney Kinsman)
Juno (Sam of Pincop x Tarn)
Jericho Jet
Tittenley Simon
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Glenhead Zuider
Glenhead Jimmy
Ariston Jet
Eng.Ft.Ch. Galleywood Duck
Shavington Ted Ft.W.
Staindrop Winkie Ft.W.
Juney for Fame
FTCh Grouseadee (son of Scotney Kinsman)
Eng.Ft.Ch. Scotney Kinsman
Westelm Black Princess
Creedypark Gossip
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Glenhead Zuider
Creedypark Sapphira
Claylands Sloe
Reanacre Kirbyhall Trumps
GB Sh.Ch. Tadfield Black Shadow
GB Ch Ruler of Blaircourt
Forbes of Blaircourt
Olivia of Blaircourt
Millstone Mock Beetle
Millstone Mocking Bird
Millstone Eduny Dancer
Kirbyhall Chintz
GB Ch Rookwood Petergold
Nokeener Newscracker
Rookwood Honeygold
Kirbyhall Muffin
Glidesdown Ibaden Everest
Cornlands Honeysuckle
Claylands Poolstead Pigeon
GB.CH Reanacre Mallardhurn Thunder
GB Ch Sandylands Tweed of Blaircourt
GB Ch Ruler of Blaircourt
ShCh Tessa of Blaircourt
Mallardhurn Pat
UK Ch Poppleton Lieutenant
Gunsmith Suzette/Suesette
Poolstead Pincushion
Kinley Sandylands Kricketer
Ch Sandylands Kaptain
Sandylands Tammy
UK Ch Poolstead Kinley Willow
GB Ch Kinley Skipper
UK ShCh Kinley Curlew of Ulphathwaite
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