K9data.comLabrador Retriever

CH BUL,CYP,GEO Cedarwood Play Mor So Much Mor  (8/5/2011-4/9/2019)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

CH BUL,CYP,GEO Cedarwood Play Mor So Much Mor
MBISS AmGCH CanCH Venetian's Copy That
Am/CanCH Woodhull's Roger That
Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount [5.5 years]
Epochs Edward Of Bonaventure
Can.Ch. Keepsake Beau Webster
Banners Apple Butter
Classique's Count On Me
AmCanCH Beechcroft Citadel CD WC
Beechcroft's Star Gazer
CH Woodhull's Frankly My Dear
Am.Can. Ch. Venetian's Blackwatch Bravo
BOSS Am.Can.CH Borador Willcare Master Copy CD JH WC [12 years]
Venetian's Jondre Regal Roxy
Beechcrofts Woodhull Hallelujah
Am/Can CH Goldenhills Of Bozworth CD JH
Beechcroft's Tina
Venetian's Vidella Della
AmCH Stonecrest's Davy Crockett WC
Stonecrest's Lucky Star
Beechcroft's Magic Man Muddy
Stonecrest's Polaris
Chablais Madelyn of Stonecrest WC
Am/Can CH Byrnebank Clearly Great JH
Chablais Meringue
Venetian Blackwatch Revelry
BOSS Am.Can.CH Borador Willcare Master Copy CD JH WC [12 years]
AmCH Willcare's Masterpiece CD JH
Boradors Not Bad For Brown
Venetian's Jondre Regal Roxy
Ch. Beechcrofts Duke Skywalker
Venetian's Kokomo
Cedarwood's Valentine Hunter
BISS AmCH Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry JH WC [14.5 years]
BISS AmCH Lubberline Pumpernickle
AmCH Hunt Club Clayview Brown Derby
Hunt Club Clayview Eli
Hunt Club Clayview Burnt Toast
Lubberline Chocolate Factory
Epochs Edward Of Bonaventure
Lubberline Becket
AmCH Willcare's Godiva JH
BOSS Am.Can.CH Borador Willcare Master Copy CD JH WC [12 years]
AmCH Willcare's Masterpiece CD JH
Boradors Not Bad For Brown
AmCH Willcare Fortune Of The Nite
AmCH Lindall Chase JH
Willcare Birchangreen Cybill
CanCh Cedarwood Almond Roca Divine
Liberty's Broad Ridge TDI [10.5 years]
AmCH Caven's Coca-Mo Brute
AmCH Lindall A'Bit Of The Action
Ceasarscreek's Cassandra
Hunt Club Miss Corey CD,WCI,WC,CGC
BOSS Am.Can.CH Borador Willcare Master Copy CD JH WC [12 years]
Hunt Club Chocolate Eclaire
Cedarwood Jamin Jasmine
Can. Ch. Cedarwood Major Reward
AmCanCH Cedarwood Gunner O'Fawnhaven CD SH [15 years]
Cedarwoods Affidavit
Keelcroft Cedarwood Citori
Cedarwood Repeat Performance
Cedarwoods Country Covey

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