
Golden Retriever

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Donovan Casimire Buddy  (6/23/2002-)

Five generation pedigree:

Donovan Casimire Buddy
Bo's Golden Sabastian
Joshua's Pal Bo
Joshua's Pal Fletcher
Sir Sanford Angus
Brandon Lujack Uvonachek
Rorrie Of The Valley
Strawberry Brandy II
Sir Sidny Of Paint Valley
Zach's Abby Dabby Do
Amber Rose's Bugatti Royale [OFA GR-48867G29M]
Hunts Hurricane OS [OFA GR-32660G24M]
Baldwin's Good As Gold CD [OFA GR-29707G26F]
One Ash Polar Keystonia
Can. CH. One Ash Braecon Beacons CD TDI CGC [OFA GR-41749G27M]
Camrose Olivia [OFA GR-40026F33F]
Shea Golden Missy
Charles Mac Trevor
Shea Golden Lady
Raber Acres Starla
Rushing Wind Hartley Manor
Utopia FlyingTurbo [OFA GR-42483F25M]
Am CH Gold-Rush Salute's Royal Flyer [OFA GR-31636G24M-T]
Gold-Rush Stone's Salute [OFA GR-31754G46M]
Bimba De La Zarzuela
Gold Rush Lady Dancer
Can. CH Amberwood's Copyright [OFA GR-25003G36M]
Bridlewold's Not So Secret
Utopia Kelsea Marina
Isabella's Caramel
Bauer's Rocky
Missouri Rebel
Djp's Rebel Rouser
Ken-Lu-Ann's Sadie B
Prairieview Caleyrue
Kai Cee's Roudy
Paulsens Ally-Rube
Isabella (SN25967208)
Alexander Beaureguard II
Sir Zachiary Vamiel Boch
Brandi Lee's Golden Bunn's
Fuzzy Navel Penrose
Schnapps VII
Amber Liegh Stewart

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