
Golden Retriever

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Star Crowned Female2  (1/22/2013-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Star Crowned Female2
Endicott Most Shooting-Star
Endicott The Lord Of The Rings
Dutch Ch, KBHV-03 Kulawand Nordic Magic
Stenbury Water Friendship
Stenbury Water Woodlark
Stenbury Water Music
Kulawand Royal Masquarade
Eng. CH. Bramhills Pied Piper At Almerak
Kulawand Classic
Endicott Lill-Märta
Fin. CH. Lovehayne Darter [12 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Eng. CH. Sansue Pepper Of Lovehayne SGWC [13 years]
Endicott I'm Idahoe
Gloi Laughter In The Rain
Endicott Christmas Doll
Endicott Fran Fine
Dewmist Starflight
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner
Eng. SH. CH. Golmas Governor JW
Xanthos Orange Blossom (1 CC, 1RCC)
Can Ch. , Swe Sh. Ch. , N Ch. , KbhW-04 Dewmist Silverinda [13.5 years]
NUCH SUCH Inassicas Song Of Songs
NUCH Dewmist Shade Of Pale
Endicott Time For The Star
Inassicas Sea Chanter
Int & Fin Ch Pauclare Pot of Gold [12.5 years]
Inassicas Sea Mayweed
Acapella Primadonna-M
SU(U)CH Endicott Hiawatha
Acapella Lolita Pop-K
IABCA Int. CH. Star Crowned Divine Light (UKC ptd.) [14 years]
Can. CH. Kyon's Hot To Trot OS [15 years]
Can CH Haydene Commador OS [14.5 years]
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien [13.5 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell
Rossbourne Secret Love of Haydene JW
Amberland Black Sabre
Eng. SH. CH. Rossbourne In Love
Can. CH. Kyon's Born Free OD [17.5 years]
Can CH Saddleback Rechargable Randall OS [13 years]
Can./Bda. CH Saddleback Chauncey MacKinnon OS SDHF [14 years]
Can. CH Saddleback Kipahulu Kincora Can. CD OD [11 years]
Can. CH Kyon's Whisper [15.5 years]
Can. Bda. CH. Mjaerumhogda's Kyon Flying Surprise Can. CDX OS SDHF [14.5 years]
Can. CH Kyon's Never Ending Story [16 years]
U-CH., UCI Int. CH. Star Crowned London Calling CD, RE, WC, CCA, CGC [14.5 years]
Can. CH. Dewmist Davenport Can/Am OS [15.5 years]
Swed. SH CH/Norw. CH Marjamez Masterpiece [10.5 years]
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander
Eng. SH. CH. Gaineda Imperial Ice of Marjamez
LPI Dewmist Dark'n Divine [13.5 years]
NORDUCH INTUCH Mjaerumhogda's Classic Sound [16.5 years]
Norw. CH Dewmist Deirdre Dee
Star Crowned Morwenna CD, RA, CCA, CGC (1CDX, 1NAJ, 2NA legs, UKC ptd.) [8.5 years]
Am. CH. Celestial Sirius Jake CDX JH WC OS SDHF VC CGC [11 years]
Am. CH Elysian Sky Hi Dubl Exposure UDT MH ** WCX VCX DDHF OS [11.5 years]
Prairie's Coming Comet CD MH WCX ** OD [10 years]
UCI Int. SV CH., U-CD, SR Meadowpond Star Crowned Tara CDX, RN, JH, WCX, VC, CGC (Am. ptd.) [14 years]
Can. CH. OTCH. Camrose Betimmy Am. UD, Am./Can. OS [12 years]
Am. CH. Noravon Cricket

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