
Golden Retriever

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CanCh Freelin's Lifes Like a Rainbow CD RN  (4/19/2012-)

Five generation pedigree:

CanCh Freelin's Lifes Like a Rainbow CD RN
CanCH Summerbays Archer at Willowbec CD, RN [OVC 0038161]
Can. CH. Grenadier Northern Alliance OS [OFA GR-86034G26M-NOPI]
BISS CH Bravo's Old Spice SDHF OS [OFA GR-65785E24M-T ]
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS [OFA GR-54664G24M-T]
Ginge Ain't Whistling Dixie OD [OFA GR-55250G25F]
CH Pebwin Razzle Dazzle JH SDHF OD [OFA GR-49302E24F]
CH Sunshine Hill's USA Wrangler [OFA GR-44108G27M]
CH Pebwin Bona Fide Nirvana OD [OFA GR-29401G24F]
Can CH. Grenadier How Green My Valley [OFA GR-74255G24F-NOPI]
Can. CH. Kyon's Hot To Trot OS [OFA GR-62378G28M-T]
Can CH Haydene Commador OS [OFA GR-49692G24M-T]
Can. CH. Kyon's Born Free OD [ OVC normal]
Can. CH. Kyon's Passion Play [OFA GR-65860F27F-T]
Can CH Dewmist Santorini Can OS [OFA GR-55470G24M-T]
Can. CH. Kyon Heart's A Fire [OVC normal]
Can Ch Kyon's Summer 'Art Throb CD, RN, CGN [OVC 019869]
Can. CH. Dewmist Davenport Can/Am OS [OFA GR-68589E24M / OVC 005189]
Swed. SH CH/Norw. CH Marjamez Masterpiece [ UA (1/21/1998)]
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander [ BVA Hip Score 4:3]
Eng. SH. CH. Gaineda Imperial Ice of Marjamez [ BVA Hip Score 4:3]
LPI Dewmist Dark'n Divine [ UA (6/8/1994)]
NORDUCH INTUCH Mjaerumhogda's Classic Sound [ A2]
Norw. CH Dewmist Deirdre Dee [ UA (12/13/1990)]
Can CH. Kyon's Artistic Expression [OFC normal ]
Can. CH. Kyon's Escape Artist [OFA GR-62565G25M-T]
Can CH Dewmist Santorini Can OS [OFA GR-55470G24M-T]
Can. CH. Cameo Great Escape To Kyon [ OVC normal]
CanCH Kyon's No Smoke Without Fire [OVC 000174 Guelph]
Can CH Kyon's Great Balls Of Fire [OFA GR-58537G54M-T]
CanCH Kyon's Our Own Miss Ginger [OVC normal]
CanCh Freelin's Sparkling Stardust
CanCH Kyon Victory's at Moonbeam [OVC normal]
Can. CH. Kyon's Escape Artist [OFA GR-62565G25M-T]
Can CH Dewmist Santorini Can OS [OFA GR-55470G24M-T]
NORDV-95 NUCH Styal Sheer Scandal [ UA (11/9/1994)]
NUCH Dewmist Shade Of Pale [ HD A (10/13/1993)]
Can. CH. Cameo Great Escape To Kyon [ OVC normal]
MBISS BIS Can CH. Goldenkins Peter The Great CanCD SDHF OS [OFA GR-31503G27M-T]
Can CH Kyon's Michelle at Sunkozi Can OD [OFA GR-50258E68F-T]
CanCH Kyon's Victor Victoria [ OVC normal ]
Can CH Kyon's Lonely Hearts Club Band [OFA GR-53449G33M-T]
Am./Can. CH. Belgold The Cotton Bowl [OFA GR-31526G28M-T]
Can. CH Kyon's Lucy In The Sky OD [ OVC normal ]
CanCH Kyon's Magic Tricks [ ovc normal ]
Can. CH Kyon's Rock'n Roll OS [OFA GR-34614G25M-T ]
Can. CH. Kyon's Hokus Pokus Can. CD [ OVC normal ]
Harbourside's Sails at Freelin
Can CH Millwater Bravo at Freelin [ 7:13]
Muskan Most Likely [Unknown BVA Hip Score 3:3]
Golcrest Game Of Chance [ BVA Hip Score 13:14]
Muskan Miss Elite JW [ BVA Hip Score 6:7]
Steval Spinet Of Millwater [ BVA Hip Score 9:8]
Amberland Sky-Hi [ BVA Hip Score 4:4]
Steval Latest Edition [BVA Hip Score 3:3]
Freelin's Willamina
CanCH Kyon's Scotian Star CanCD
Am. CH. Belgold Doxology OS [OFA GR-27656F27M]
Can. CH. Kyon's Born Free OD [ OVC normal]
CanCH Freelin's Belle Of The Hills
Can CH Saddleback Rechargable Randall OS [OFA GR-31442G24M]
Freelin's Golden Kelly

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