
Golden Retriever

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Nette?s Golden Tal Duchess  (1/26/2013-)

Five generation pedigree:

Nette?s Golden Tal Duchess
Adrian-Louis von der Niederung [ A2]
Unter dem Thies NonStop Paddy [ A2]
DK.BR.CH Clockburn Clooneen [ B1/B1]
F.T.W Greenfoot Rum [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
FTW Greenfoot Barra
Rakelands Smokey [ 5/3]
F.T.W Clockburn Commotion [ BVA Hip Score 7:7]
Drumtochty Viking
Ballochruin Aster
Unter dem Thies Leonie L?wenherz [ B1]
Joe's Jeff [ A1]
Golden Game Larry [ B1]
DKBRCH DKJCH SJCH Spica (Dk 25922/86) [ A2]
Unter dem Thies Grille [ B1]
DK CH FT.W. Joe's Jolly Be Good [ B1]
Unter dem Thies Carat [ B 1]
Lenja von Tobi's golden Lana [ A2]
Happymover Balszac [ A1]
Joe's Jeff [ A1]
Golden Game Larry [ B1]
DKBRCH DKJCH SJCH Spica (Dk 25922/86) [ A2]
Rayleas Lisbeth [ HD B2]
Catcombe Cheshire At Millgreen [ BVA Hip Score 2:7]
Deanwood Cerian of Rayleas [BVA 3:21]
Emmeline von Tobi's golden Lana [ A2]
Mambo vom Mohnfeld [ A2]
Sungold Lucky Wuk [ B1]
Woodstar Mathea [ B1]
Brigid Frida von Tobi's golden Lana [ A2]
WW''90,MultiCh, ChNeth,Ger,Lux Jamescroft Squire [ HD B1/B2]
Carola vom Habichtsfang [ A1]
Enki's Easy von Bauernhirschtal [ A 2]
Buttacre Hardy Headliner [ A 1]
Alquin V D Gouden Veld [ A]
FT. Ch. Kennaird v.d. Woudstreek [ B]
Hunting Ghento v.d. Woudstreek [ B]
Garby v. d. Woudstreek
Holway Empress
FT.W Holway Dezzy [ BVA 6:5]
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Eppie
Buttacre Dutchess Do or Die
Barney v. d. Uilenburg
Tyrol Bachelor Boy
Lynn Off Spirit v.d. Uilenburg
Clever Girl Annabell vom Walderkamm
Holway Master [ 11:10 C/C]
Cleynehage Gray Beatrix [ A1]
Bell Oktave Ally [FCI B 1]
Seamas Mhor of Clancallum [ UA 1996-01-16]
Eng. FT. CH. Rossmhor of Clancallum
FTW Willowric Andy [ BVA 2:2]
Mallardhurn Golden Flo
Besstock Cassie
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Corbiere [ 2/2]
Besstock Galley Gap
FRJCH Cosmo of Lubberland
Moorfield Morning Al Capone [ A1]
Lux./VDH./Ger./Dutch Ch. Ritzilyn Man About Town Brussels Winner 1999 [ B (199?)]
Trewater Trouvaille [BVA 6:4]
Bobette Of Velvet Flame
JWW'95 Nigel of the Hellacious Acres [ B1]
Queen Ann Jeanton

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