
Golden Retriever

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Highlandcuillin of Ghlenairh

Five generation pedigree:

Highlandcuillin of Ghlenairh
SA CH Rossbourne Noel of Gavalat FQ NHR
NUCH Amirene Undeclared Love
Eng SH CH Kimwhany O'Rourke Of Ritzilyn
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC
UK. SH. CH. Amirene King Eider of Davern
Ritzilyn Tickled Pink
Eng. SH. CH. Kimwhany Next Step
Kidston Daiquiri JW
Kimwhany Kascade
Eng SH CH Rosaceae Ivory Lace At Amirene
Eng. SH. Ch. Amirene Pacifique
Eng. SH. Ch. Stanroph Soldier Boy
Amirene Integrity
Rosaceae Precious Jade
Eng. CH. Purbarn Xtra Thunderstorm JW, SGWC
Rosaceae Brocade
Rossbourne Kandy Kisses
Rainscourt Pipe Major of Rossbourne
Eng.Sh.Ch Rainscourt Fall Guy JW
Eng. CH. Stanroph Sailor Boy KCJW
Rossbourne Inspiration To Rainscourt
Rainscourt Ice Maiden
Lorinford Thunderstorm Of Purbarn SGWC
Rainscourt Ingenious
Rossbourne Briar Rose
Tasvane Charlie's Son of Rossbourne
Eng Sh Ch/Aust Ch Tasvane Charles Henry
Orchis Fauvette of Tasvane
Haydene Lucky Charm Of Rossbourne JW
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Haydene Easter Romance
Gavalat Sunset Savannh
SA CH Rossbourne Evening Sunset at Gavalat NHR
Rossbourne Just Jamie
Rossbourne Ocean Boy of Sallynook
Rossbourne Trooper
Rossbourne Liana
Rossbourne Spring Love
Amberland Black Sabre
Eng. SH. CH. Rossbourne In Love
Rossbourne Angelic
Tasvane Charlie's Son of Rossbourne
Eng Sh Ch/Aust Ch Tasvane Charles Henry
Orchis Fauvette of Tasvane
Rossbourne Quite a Girl
Rossbourne Just Jamie
Haydene Lucky Charm Of Rossbourne JW
SA Ch Gavalat TrendyTweed FQ NHR
SA Ch Klynroc Cobber of Gavalat FQ WHR
CH Amblaire Commander of Medges FQ
Cattrysse Mr. Rochester
Amblaire Anniversary
CH Vergezicht Wisteria of Klynroc
CH Steve of Janville
Vergezicht Emma
SA Ch Rossbourne Zora of Gavalat FQ WHR
Amirene Jamie Of Carastene
Fernyvayle Rambler of Pinecrest
Amirene Grouse
Eng. SH. CH. Rossbourne Quality Miss
Rossbourne Just Jamie
Haydene Lucky Charm Of Rossbourne JW

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