
Golden Retriever

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Festival's Belle

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Festival's Belle
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Jazzman's Da Capo
NUCH Siatham Raynor [11.5 years]
Eng. CH. Standfast Augustus
NUCH Mjaerumhogda's Crusader
Fin. CH. Noravon Cornelius
Nord. Ch. Gitles Natascha [ years]
Eng. CH. Westley Ramona KCJW [14 years]
Eng. CH. Gaineda Consolidator Of Sansue
Eng. Ch. Westley Martha
Mulfield Gyposophila Of Siatham [8 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Silvanus
Stirchley Sugarbush of Jobeka (1 Res. CC)
Westley Lusia of Mulfield
Eng. SH. CH. Stirchley Saxon KCJW [14 years]
Westley Julianna
NO UCH Jako's Hope
N UCH Beeangee Jazz Man
Eng. CH. Sansue Golden Ruler
Eng. CH. Gaineda Consolidator Of Sansue
Eng. SH. CH. Sansue Wrainbow
Ashwater Yolanda
Eng. CH. Moorquest Mugwump JW [11.5 years]
Ashwater Skylark
NUCH Festival's Piquante
NU Ch., NV '90 Shanlimore Baronet
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Silvanus
Dabess Zelana
NUCH Guldklimpens Olga The Comtesse
Dainty's Having It All
Mjaerumhogda's Intermezzo
SE U(U)CH Festival's Rosemary
Nunsbrook Dusky Warbler
Eng. CH. Severy Bartholomew Of Westley
Rambleyne Dominic Of Westley
Eng. CH. Westley Samuel
Eng. SH. CH. Sansue Spring Mist Of Rambleyne
Westley Garrya Of Severy
Eng. SH. CH. Stirchley Saxon KCJW [14 years]
Westley Julianna
Nunsbrook Just Jazz JW
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Silvanus
Stirchley Sugarbush of Jobeka (1 Res. CC)
Cardrona Brontelle Of Nunsbrook
Eng. CH. Westley Samuel
Unavale Jayne of Cardrona [11.5 years]
SE U(U)Ch Festival's Pythoness
SV-91 SUCH NUCH Knegarens Stars'n Stripes
Fin. CH. Linchael Ravel [12.5 years]
Eng. CH. Camrose Fabius Tarquin [13.5 years]
Linchael Chantilly JW
Knegarens Querida
NORDUCH INTUCH SJCH Teacher's Perfect Partner
Knegarens Kathy in Knickers
NUCH Guldklimpens Olga The Comtesse
Dainty's Having It All
Dabess Orlando
Dainty's Pretty Face
Mjaerumhogda's Intermezzo
N UCH, NORDV-81 Noravon Lucius [14 years]
Mjaerumhogda's Mis's Take

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