
Golden Retriever

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Little Reds Cherokee  (10/19/2003-)

Five generation pedigree:

Little Reds Cherokee
Jerrys Big Hoss
Rowdy Wonder Boy Zazicers
Chad's Better Boy Jog
Territon (SD836137)
Court Jester
Antique Lace
Lady Chesterfield
Sir Lancealot Richter
Dam Rusty Jennifer
Sydney Cleopatra Amberac
Susans Cool Hand Luke
Anns Bigboy Luke
Lukes Angel Fire
Alexandria Cleopatra Owens
Alexei Nikolai Hargett
Bickfords Brandi Sonoran
Zikes Candi Summerbelle
Vanderlei's Buddy Boy
Sir Grimsby Knoll Isola
Sir Michelob Bear
Lady Minnie May
Isola's Princess Amber Ofkern
Paradise's Duke of D R A M
Paradise's Dutchess Of Dram
Hart's Sallybelle
Buffet's Thief
Baxendale's Prince Of Thieves
Bedell's Annie
Abby's Sparkle
Buckskin Rock
Bendens Abigail Aristocrat
Peachey's Taffy
Sir Fredrick's Thadeus
Soldier Kreek Sir Fredrick
Chase's Rambo
Top Brass Topper
Shelly Copper
Golden Dingo
Obi Kenobi II
Golden's Butterball Taffy
Soldier Kreek Shelby Dale
Charlie Boy IV
Sir Tob-E Of Karrla
K's Jingle Bell
Sweet Shelby Dale
Lincoln Thiessen
Thiessens Golden Girl
Mitsy's Colorado Taffy
R's Colorado Michael
Rusty's All Helsapoppin
Donnor's Rusty Dutchman
Donnor's All Helsapoppin
Wen-Lu-Mar's Sweet Sissy
Golden XXIV
Hanisch's Tob-E Bell
Mitsy's Honors Of Broke Four
Sarge Of Broke Four Ranch
Theo's Royal Duke
Zachariah's Golden Sadie
Maddie's First Honors
CH Honor's Makin' A Touchdown
Washka's Honey Breeze

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