
Golden Retriever

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Sadie Golden Belle

Five generation pedigree:

Sadie Golden Belle
Lord Jake Of San Rafael
Golden Rocket's Kelly Boy ***
AFC Golden Rocket VI OS
Sir Charles Of MT Whitney *** OS
Golden North Bingo
Kentucky Princess
Thornwood's Roxana
Friar Tuck Of Thornwood
Thornwood Lark
Woodland Quill ***
Woodland Leaf
Reddy All Righty ***
Farmington Penny
Woodland Grouse
Lord Tobias of Wilkinshire
The Abbott Queen
Woodknoll Mushi
Brackenhollow's Sungold Rock CD *** WC
Sherrydan Tag * OS
Pennard Golden Kerry
Tarmoon Scampi
Am. CH. Duke's Orofina OD
Am. CH. Golden Duke of Trey-C * OS
Sun Dance's Flare OD
Brackenhollow Amber Ann
Baron Of Davern
Eng. CH. Sutton Rudy
Eng. CH. Camrose Pruella Of Davern
Windmeadow's Wagalong
Sherrydan Tag * OS
Sun Dance's Flare OD
Brodies' Golden Belle
Cim Cim Cerey
Columbia Golden Nugget
Wasco Golden Buffy
Oregon Golden Rusty
Oregon Golden Kimmy II
Columbia Golden Fluffy
Klickitat Golden Copper
Oregon Golden Kimmy II
Serene Sheiba
AFC Golden Rocket VI OS
Sir Charles Of MT Whitney *** OS
Thornwood's Roxana
Twilight's Dusty Dawn
Craigmar's Montlake Duke
Ixtaccihuatl De Los Gatos
Goldie Of Fanny Hill
Golden Rocket's Popcorn **
Golden Rocket's Kelly Boy ***
AFC Golden Rocket VI OS
Woodland Quill ***
Cinders Red
AFC Golden Rocket VI OS
Bonny Lucy Loch
Sonya Of Fickle Hill
Mister Of B-Bop Ballet
Rancho Oro Bandido
Candy Of Humboldt
Kennecott's Missus Calhoun
Connie's Ace's Golden Thumper
Am. CH. Kennecott Copper Penny

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