Labrador Retriever
Speed'n Style Blissful Lenny (11/29/2012-)
Five generation pedigree:
Speed'n Style Blissful Lenny
FTCh Longcopse Bertie
[BVA 2/2]
FTCh Fernshot Comet
[BVA 3/4]
FTCh Flashmount Socrates
[BVA 6/5]
FTCh Flashmount Danny
[BVA 12/15]
FTCh Dargdaffin Archie
[BVA 3/3]
FTCh Flashmount Larch
Zephyr Wisker of Flashmount
[BVA 2/6]
Marshbrook Masterpeice of Clancallum
[BVA 6/4]
Heartwood Hill Ebony
FTCh Millbuies Milly
[BVA 4/5]
UK FTCh Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead
[BVA 2/3]
Irl FTCh Ballyellery Adder
Irl FTCh Killerisk Hero
FTCh Morayglen Megan of Millbuies
[BVA 6/4]
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
[BVA 4 / 4]
FTCh Munro Tess of Morayglen
[BVA 0/0]
FTAW Leadburn Val of Longcopse
[ 4/2]
FTCh Willowyck Ruff
[BVA 3/4]
FTCh Willowyck Henman
[BVA 6/5]
FTCh Pocklea Remus
[BVA 6/7]
Dagley's Girl
[BVA 4/6]
Cleeveway Nestle
[BVA 3/3]
FTCh Tasco Dancing Brave of Willowyck
[BVA 2/2]
Sulleyshill Adder
[BVA 4/2]
FTCh Rockingstone Hope of Leadburn
[ 6/5]
FTCh Shortthorn Tommy of Leadburn
[BVA 6/4]
FTCh Dargdaffin Dynamo
[BVA 0/0]
FTW Bringwood Becky
[BVA 3/3]
Rockingstone Pride
[ 5/10]
FTCh Kenue Fir of Leadburn
[BVA 7/7]
Rockingstone Clover
[BVA 4/6]
Ginala vom Eversaeler Feld
[ A2/A2]
Memphis vom Gerretsfeld
[ A2]
Eastdale Dynamite Jack
[ NC = A]
Pridelines Rustler of Artistryn
[ 3/6]
IR FTCh Turramurra Beau
Pridelines Prudence
Kentee Ruby Tuesday of Eastdale
[ 6/5]
IR FTCh Wild Shot Dan
[ 3/3]
GB.Ft.Ch. Ballynaris Bess
[ 5/4]
Seawise Giant v.d. Hanzelhoeve
[ A2]
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
[BVA 4 / 4]
FTCh Palgrave Quin
[BVA 2/2]
FTCh Tibea Topaz
Timna v.d. Hanzelhoeve
[ A2]
CH Toplicht Tintagel's Tagel Moon
History v.d. Hanzelhoeve
[ A0]
Easter Emma vom Eversaeler Feld
[ A2/A2]
IntFTCh. ChTFa & ChTCH Conneywarren Spike
[ A]
UK FTCh Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead
[BVA 2/3]
Irl FTCh Ballyellery Adder
Irl FTCh Killerisk Hero
Glen Bonnie of Conneywarren
[BVA 4/2]
Morayglen Musketeer of Brackenbird
[BVA 4/2]
Mallowdale Hasty
[BVA 8/7]
Zero Zita vom Keien Fenn
[ B2/B2]
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
[BVA 4 / 4]
FTCh Palgrave Quin
[BVA 2/2]
FTCh Tibea Topaz
N'debele Zibet
[BVA 3/3]
Perkin Flump at Meadowmill
Ndebele Juba
[BVA 6/7]
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