
Golden Retriever

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Corey Lumberjack of Edgewood  (3/7/1975-)

Five generation pedigree:

Corey Lumberjack of Edgewood
Edgewood Amberdust UDT **
Am. CH. Featherquest Storm Tide OS [OFA GRC-020]
Am. Dual CH AFC Craigmar Dustrack OS DDHF FDHF
NFC Beautywood's Tamarack FDHF
Beautywood's Buckshot OS
Goldwood Sunset Jill
Sundust Girlie
Yester Beam
Golden Dawn of Dryden
Am. CH. Featherquest Tic Toc [OFA GRC-091]
Pele of Flarewin's Gold Falcon
Am. Dual CH AFC Craigmar Dustrack OS DDHF FDHF
Am. CH. Pele Of Flarewin
Brightberry Perk
Featherquest Golden Toby UDT
Natasha Topaz
Am. CH. Finderne Jubilee's Dancer *
Am. CH. Finderne West River Jody
Am. CH. Finderne Square Shadows Fury CD * OS
Am. CH. Nerrissida's Finderne Folly II OS SDHF
Buff of Square Shadows OD
Am. CH. Star Spray's Poly's Follygirl OD
Am. CH. Nerrissida's Finderne Folly II OS SDHF
Am. CH. Glo's Polyhymnia
Am. CH. Finderne Folly's Jubilee CD OD
Am. CH. Nerrissida's Finderne Folly II OS SDHF
Am. CH. Lorelei's Marshgrass Rebel CD ** OS DDHF
Lorelei's Lucky Penny OD
Am. CH. Finderne Gypsy Of Nerrissida OD
Am. CH. Tawny Toro Of Los Altos CDX SDHF
Elizabeth Of Nerrissida /Elizabeth Of Nerissida
Edgewood Evening Star CDX
Firecreek Gold Dust WCX
Am. CH. Featherquest Storm Tide OS [OFA GRC-020]
Am. Dual CH AFC Craigmar Dustrack OS DDHF FDHF
NFC Beautywood's Tamarack FDHF
Sundust Girlie
Am. CH. Featherquest Tic Toc [OFA GRC-091]
Pele of Flarewin's Gold Falcon
Brightberry Perk
Am. CH. Finderne Jubilee's Dancer *
Am. CH. Finderne West River Jody
Am. CH. Finderne Square Shadows Fury CD * OS
Am. CH. Star Spray's Poly's Follygirl OD
Am. CH. Finderne Folly's Jubilee CD OD
Am. CH. Nerrissida's Finderne Folly II OS SDHF
Am. CH. Finderne Gypsy Of Nerrissida OD
Woodacres Sunset Honeybee
Am. CH. Sunset's Happy Duke OS [OFA GR-2839]
Am CH Cragmount's Peter OS SDHF
Am. CH. Finderne Gold Cloud Of Kent OS SDHF
Goldendoor Taffy
Glen Willow's Happy Talk OD
Tigathoe's Music Man
Tigathoe's Phi Beta Kappa CD
Sasha of Harwood
Gilded Star Of Sharamar
Golden Dignity Of Sharaman
Delight Of Taramar
Watchung's Golden Taffie
Topper Of Winding Brook
Phollie (S699155)

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