
Golden Retriever

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Dustin Prince Charming Valentine  (12/4/2008-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Dustin Prince Charming Valentine
Denzil's Loveshack Dakota
Gunners Carmel Ice Cream
Tucker The Big Red Dawg
Bone (SN24502606)
Molly's August Sunrise
Allison Mountainside Joy
Wish (SN25923507)
Sweetbeck Here Boy
Fuzzy Wazza Goldengirl
Black's Amber Mischief
Go Get Em Gunner
Tai Of Stillaguamish
Aylaof Manhattan Beach
Sami Jo Costello
Princess Ginger Buttercup Cox
Sadee's Perfect Too
Pulali's Northwest Pride
BIS BISS Am CH Suntory Loveit A Cherrybrook VCD1 CDX JH OA WC OS SDHF [13.5 years]
BIS BISS Am CH Sassafras Batterys Not Incld OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am CH Cherrybrook's Raggedy Ann JH WC OD [15 years]
Am/Can Ch. Pulali's Ebullient Genisis [12 years]
BIS BISS Am/Can Ch. Genuine Winfield's Just Do It SDHF OS [12.5 years]
Am CH Pulali's Beyond Demand OD [14 years]
Glennen's Pepper Perfect
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Chuckanut's In The Mood OS [11 years]
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Signature's Sound Of Music CD OD
Glennens Chase Macabee
Chuckanut Twstn Th'Nite Away
Glennens Vanilla Whispers
Charming Princess Chloe
Prince Cassidy Martin
Prince Bailey Love
Prince Bailey Danielle
Prince DE'Oro Osa Meissenfels
Lady Danielle
Reba Love Sun
Cda Cross' Bit of Love
Cd'a Cross Bit Of Sun
Mandy Cassidy Cranfill
Denzils Sugar Baby Girl
Coulee's Sharp Shootin Gunner
Am./Can. CH. Parkwood Harvest Crew
Am./Can. Ch Asterling's Last Laugh CD Can SDHF
Am./Can. CH. Goldsmiths Parkwoods Joy
Brandi Leaper Lee
Kc's Legend Of Gold
Sadler's Queen Of Sheba
Trixie Renee
Shelbys Britches
Spice Of The Ozarks
Sugar Cookie
Lady Byrd Lucy
Bobby Byrd The King Of Dawn
South Forty Lucy

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