
Golden Retriever

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Fellow Brook`s True Friends  (8/15/2012-)

Five generation pedigree:

Fellow Brook`s True Friends
At Sticker LUMIS Golden [FCI A]
Aron (SHSB 577821) [FCI B/A]
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation [ B1]
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest [BVA Hip Score 6:5]
Amberland Sky-Hi [ BVA Hip Score 4:4]
Steval Latest Edition [BVA Hip Score 3:3]
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Rossbourne Trooper [ BVA Hip Score 3:2]
Stanroph Silent Tears KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 6:7]
Funnyline Ebony Eyes
Rossbourne Evening Glow
Eng. SH. CH. Melfricka Kudos Of Rossbourne [Unknown 2:4 or 4:5]
Rossbourne Spring Love [Unknown 7:9]
Golden Channel of Funnyline
Fr. Dual CH., Swiss CH., Int. CH. Amirene Intrepid [ BVA Hip Score 2:2]
It. Ch, Int. Ch. Bargello's Montana Sky [ 0-0]
Ambertrail Jenny [ A/A]
Can. Triple CH FTCH AFTCH OTCH Firemark's Push Comes to Shove Can. WCX Am. *** OS [OFA GR-81163G30M-PI]
FC Wraiths HTR MN Bro Macdhuibh OS [OFA GR-58474G24M]
Wraith's Duncan MH *** OS [OFA GR-23010G24M]
Hunter's Moon Madcap *** OD [OFA GR-35738G33F]
GMHR Phoebe's Prize Piponia CDX MH AX AXJ WCX CCA VCX OD [OFA GR-54823G32F-T]
Garrett Elwood James
Phoebe Elizabeth Hunter
Ambertrail Sparks To A Flame OD Can QFTR JH WCX [OFA GR-70848F24F-PI]
Mioak's Real McCoy Am/Can *** OS [OFA GR-47424E24M]
WR Crow River's Golden Widget CD MH WCX ** OS [OFA GR-40152G26M]
Shoreland's Full Of Spirit OD [OFA GR-27612G27F]
Ambertrail's Fireside Diva
FTCH AFTCH Shurmark's Split Decision Am. MH *** OS Can. FDHF [ OVC 008484]
Mioaks Fire Fox *** [OFA GR-29409G28F]
Bionda Brook's True Friends
Precious Sem van de Woudstreek [FCI A1/A1]
Boy Quiver Creek's Owlsburgh [ B1]
AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr Speaker MH OS CCA FDHF [OFA GR-52113E24M-T]
AFC Mioak's Rain Check OS FDHF [OFA GR-30415G31M ]
Otay's Sunny Summer JH *** [OFA GR-43097G53F]
HRCH Taz Of Red Oak SH [OFA GR-55640G25F-T]
Mioak's Real McCoy Am/Can *** OS [OFA GR-47424E24M]
HRCH Mioak's Madam Mali [OFA GR-45098G28F]
Nimble v.d. Woudstreek [ B1]
Way-Out's Orion [ B1]
Eager Sam v.d. Woudstreek [ A1A2]
Way-Out's Only Waterwitch [ B1]
Little Spica v.d. Woudstreek [ B1]
DK CH FT.W. Joe's Jolly Be Good [ B1]
FT. Ch. Jedde v.d. Woudstreek [ HD B1B2]
Wheaton's Arrow
F.T.CH. Kroonkennel's Urko
TJH LP Gregson Valter [ A1]
Int. FT. CH. Besstock Dee Of Clancallum [ A1]
Wheaton's Xcess
Ft.Ch. Werrington Rory of Clancallum [ BVA HS 4:3 / B1]
Wheaton's Starkling [ 2]
Dazzle from the Go-Getters [ B1]
Ieaun of Spider Lake [ B1]
DK CH FT.W. Joe's Jolly Be Good [ B1]
Holway Bianco
Iltschi from the Go-Getters [ B1B2]
Dutch Ch. First Lord Simon v.h. Wiekse Veld
Tashayna from the Go-Getters [ B1B2]

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