Labrador Retriever
Altiquin Anthem (2002-)
Five generation pedigree:
Altiquin Anthem
FTCh Craighorn Bracken (KCSB 3306CI)
UK FTCh Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead
Irl FTCh Ballyellery Adder
FTW Raybank Asp
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
Hazel of Raybank
Bellamont Orchid
FTCh/IrlFTCh Derryboy Daniel
Benlee Lore
Irl FTCh Killerisk Hero
Ciarog Dubh
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Pocklington Glen
FTCh Drakeshead Wisp
Seanbaile Sherry
FTW Seanbaile Nelson
Seanbaile Dawn
FTCh Lochmuir Bonnie
FTCh Pocklea Remus
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Brenjon Dirk of Drakeshead
Haretor Emma
FTCh Drakeshead Gypsy
FTCh Pocklington Ben
FTCh Drakeshead Anna
FTCh Lochmuir Lady
Strathbraan Sam
Moorsdyke Mancho
Belle of Strathbraan
Ramornie Ailsa
Sandringham Tramp
Kizzi of Wakerley
FTW Carraigairt Abba
FTCh Pocklea Remus
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Brenjon Dirk of Drakeshead
UK FTCh Spudtamsons Berry of Mirstan
FTCh Drakeshead Thorne
Haretor Emma
FTCh Swift of Swinbrook
Haretor Smiler
FTCh Drakeshead Gypsy
FTCh Pocklington Ben
Swinbrook Mosquito
FTCh Sandringham Magpie
FTCh Drakeshead Anna
FTCh Holdgate Willie
FTCh Westead Tan of Drakeshead
FTW Raven Rachel
GB FTCh & Ir.FTCh Theoweir Turramurra Teal
Irl FTCh Ballyellery Adder
FTW Raybank Asp
Bellamont Orchid
Ir.FTCh Towerline Swift
FTCh Meadowbrae Widgeon
Ir.FTCh Hifield Kite
Lady of Lake
IR FTCh Broadville Barrister
Ciarog Dubh
IrlFTCh Drakeshead Connie
Lady of Liscreevin
FTCh Broadville Adam
Duchess of Lawnmount
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