Labrador Retriever
Rodarbal Lillans Bozzo (1/24/1993-)
Five generation pedigree:
Rodarbal Lillans Bozzo
NO JCH SE JCH Stifinnerens Bandy
Ch Kwinana's Yellow Surprise
NO CH NORD UCH INT CH NORD V-78 Licithas Blizzard
[ A/A]
NORD UCH INT UCH Baronor Phoenix
[ UA]
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
Baronor Vesta
SE UCH NO UCH Licithas Poppet
Sandylands Be Sure
[ A/A]
Nor.Ft.Ch. Licithas Pinolita
Fabracken Ebony Dancer
Ballyduff Marlborough of Junicott
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer
Mardas Moonglow
Ch. Fabracken Dancing Shadow
[BVA 2/7]
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will
[BVA 0/1]
GB Ch Poolstead Pin Up Of Fabracken
[ 3/4]
Stifinnerens Quanda
Blondella Smart Alec
Blondella Sam-Son
[ 0]
UK Ch Keysun Teko of Blondella
[BVA 7/5]
Belle Blonde of Stanton
Kupros Marcia of Blondella
[BVA 2/4]
GB Ch Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer
Ballyduff Morella
Stifinnerens Peggy
Stifinnerens Grong
[ A/A]
NORD UCH INT UCH Baronor Phoenix
[ UA]
Stajantors Shooting Star
Stifinnerens Heidi
INT NORD UCH Alltid Dandelion
[FCI 0]
Ironshill Stella
Rodarbal Pyrets Lillan
SE JCH Tarryholme Brodie
NO JCH SE JCH GB FTCH Blackthorn Briar
[ ua]
Knowebar Gillie Briar
Knowebar Beech Boy
Deluxe of Knowebar
Glenwhask Bell
Spudtamsons Donibristle
Redside Mona
FTW Tarryholme Firecracker
[BVA 5/2]
FTCh Kelvinhead Magnum
FTCh Rumbleton Caper
Quicksilver Kelvinhead
Beauty Black (KCSB5084BR)
Glenburnie Ranger
Cracker Black
Rodarbal Cillas Pyret
Rodarbal Rantas Albin
[ UA]
Stifinnerens Grong
[ A/A]
NORD UCH INT UCH Baronor Phoenix
[ UA]
Stajantors Shooting Star
Rodarbal Ranta
GB Ch Squire of Ballyduff
GB Sh Ch Balrion Royale Mischief of Rodarbal
Cilla (S58851/82)
SE UCH FI MVA Rodarbal Marko
Puhs Tony
Minnows Leonora
[ UA]
H?rkilas Gajsy Vi
SE UCH Sandylands Wiseman
Black Pearl S44621/72
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