
Golden Retriever

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Sargent York  (4/17/2004-)

Five generation pedigree:

Sargent York
P And G's Sir Theodore Maxwell
Sundance Of Golden Oak [OFA GR-57556G26M]
Hunter Jack Of Golden Oak [OFA GR-39311E24M]
Otis Henderson Offhaus
Philo Beddoe
Mollys Brandi Wine
Heidi Of Lazy K
Whitaker's Brutus
Amanda of Hickory Hills
Lady Belle Of Golden Oak [OFA GR-46574F24F]
Golden Teddy Bear XV
Mountain Road Jasins Tobinar
Butternut Mountain Buffy
Golden Oaks Chantily Lace [OFA GR-38013G34F]
Lucky Star Duke (SD557160)
Eesha Maleesha McGwen
Penny Annie Hampton [OFA GR-69562F27F-T]
Starr's Solar Flare [OFA GR-54911F24M]
Starr's Carson City Gold CD [OFA GR-29901F24M]
Broughton's Alltheway Home CD
Can CH Meadowpond Starr Splash Am./Can. CDX CGC
Starr's Winsome Willow [OFA GR-42688G24F]
Meadowpond Starr Gazer Am/Can CDX [OFA GR-25095F24M]
Can CH Meadowpond Starr Splash Am./Can. CDX CGC
Chief Lady Penny Of Somerset [OFA GR-58236G33F]
Syzygy Gamble On Rivendell [OFA GR-45871G24M]
AmCH Lochearn's Alec Macbain [OFA GR-30055G26M]
Synergold White Wine [OFA GR-36456G36F]
Karyl's Folly Of Avondale [OFA GR-41121F30F-T]
Howe's Maverick Of Fairfax
Tidewater's II
P And G's Princess Kara Sue
JG Kates Butch Starr Wind [OFA GR-42803G53M]
Starr's Rebel Wind [OFA GR-15089]
Starr's Spangled Banner CD
Circle Lee Michael Of Yeo WC
Goodfellow's Brassy Baby [OFA GR-2557]
Zetasam's Totoket Mystic Maid CD
Dallas' Golden Trousers
Totoket's Spud Of Zetasam CD [OFA GR 263]
J G Kates Golden Brandy [OFA GR-26264G56F]
King Frederick J G Brundage
Cavagnaro Prince Harrington
Mystical Lady
Jenns Golden Brandy
Little Chief Gold Dust CD [OFA GR-4157-T]
Starr's Zippity Doo Dah CD [OFA GR-7248]
Starr Vine's Kate
JG Kates Duke Starr Wind
Starr's Rebel Wind [OFA GR-15089]
Starr's Spangled Banner CD
Zetasam's Totoket Mystic Maid CD
J G Kates Golden Brandy [OFA GR-26264G56F]
King Frederick J G Brundage
Jenns Golden Brandy
Vine's Summer
Ox Creek's Golden Prince
Deacon Blues VII
Kachina's Lita Glow Breeze [OFA GR-54353F64F ]
Tigathoes-Molson-Golden Duke
Kachina Glow Breeze [OFA GR-29447F32F]

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